Page 223 of Slap Shot Seduction

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Staring at me.

“You’re different, Joe. You seem…”

“Careful with your choice of words.”

“Forget about it then. Just let me know what you want me to do, okay? I’ll stay clear. I just know eventually the Verwerts are going to want answers. They’re going to come for me. And for the doc.”

“That’s fine. I’ll handle this one on my own.”

“One thing I will say. As your agent. Thinking like a greedy asshole. You’re coming up on a contract season. You can’t let what’s happening now shadow it or ruin it.”

“Anything else you want to say?”

Bobby showed me his hands. “We’re good. Thanks for stopping by. Glad we had this talk.”

“You now, I could be a real big prick right now and steal the rest of your pastries.”

Bobby nodded and laughed. “Get the fuck out of my office, Joe. Right now.”

When I left his office, stepped outside and when I felt the sun hit my face, I paused.

I almost beat the hell out of my agent because he said something about Anna.

He didn’t even use her name either.

Just the implication though…

I was now in it for real.

Maybe more than before.

But all I could think about was getting back to Anna… just to kiss her one more time…

I sawthe folders on the kitchen counter.

That meant Anna was here.

Which meant she went to her office, worked, and came right back here.

She had my spare key.

I gave it to her as a flirty gesture, hoping she would use it.

I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and turned to see the top folder with my name on it.

There were confidential things in place.

Along with ethical ones.

But I wasn’t going to snoop in anyone else’s folders.

I didn’t really care.

My folder though?

Notes from Anna about me?

I had to see.
