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Ellen sighed.

She stepped toward the desk.

She plucked a gold pen off the desk.

“How would you like this pen shoved through your eye?”

“Did you just threaten me?” Bobby asked.

“I asked a question,” Ellen said. “Now, I’ll threaten you. If you don’t sit down and shut up, I will stab you with this pen. And I have enough money to buy my way out of any charges that would follow. Billions versus millions, Bobby. Think about it.”

Bobby’s jaw tightened.

He plopped down.

I looked at my agent. “You can set that chair to jerk you off while I talk to Ellen.”

Bobby’s eyes grew wide.

Ellen laughed.

She looked at me again.

Stern eyes.

I stood twice her height.

She stepped closer to me.

“Anything you want to say to me, Joe?”

“I don’t do the hot air bullshit thing,” I said. “I won’t apologize.”

“Do you even care about the man you put through a window?”

“No. He deserved it.”

Ellen pursed her lips and nodded. “Sometimes, I like hot air. From big, strong hockey players. Watching them grovel. But you… you’re different.”

“With all due respect, Ellen, I don’t give a fuck. I never have. I never will.”

“Interesting. I saw the video.”

“Video?” I asked.

Ellen smirked. “Joe, I own a multi-billion dollar hockey franchise. I know and see everything that’s happening. I want to hear your side of what happened. I already know what happened. But I want to hear it from you.”

“The guy was running his mouth,” I said. “Just refused to stop chirping at me and others. I’m not going to leave a bar because of someone. Sorry. I can’t do it. I didn’t pick a fight. I didn’t just grab some random person and put them through a window. And to be fair, when I threw him, he stumbled toward the window. I was thinking of just putting him out on the sidewalk.”

“But he stumbled and went through the front window,” Ellen said.

“I’m not sure what you want me to say,” I said. “I already talked to the manager and the owner of the bar. I’m going to cover the cost of a new window. I told them if they no longer wanted me at their bar, that’s fine. I’m not looking to turn this into a thing.”

“And the victim?” Ellen asked.

“The victim? Call her.”

“Her?” Bobby asked.
