Page 44 of Slap Shot Seduction

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I took the key out of the lock and shut the door.

The order of items went like this…

Keys in the door.

Cell on the floor.

Left shoe.

Right shoe.

Left sock.

Some credit cards.

Some cash.

Random pieces of paper.

His pants.

I stood at the couch and looked down at him.

His right sock still on his foot.

Head back, mouth open, white shirt halfway unbuttoned.

A navy blue tie untied, wrapped around his neck.

He was obviously breathing because of his snoring.

I took a deep breath.

I told myself in some weird romantic way Steven slept on the couch because he didn’t want to bother me. He didn’t want to come stumbling into bed and made a scene and then snore all night.

Or maybe he just couldn’t find the bed at all.

I looked at the apartment door again wondering if he tried to use the key to other doors.

I set my attention back to Steven and then slowly reached down and slipped my fingers between the tie and his neck.

I gave a tug and slid the silky tie from around his neck, just to be safe.

The left side of his shirt collar appeared and folded itself down.

That’s when I saw the red marks on the shirt.

If I wanted to be innocent to it all, I would have told myself it was ketchup.

I wasn’t innocent though. And I wasn’t stupid.

It also didn’t help Steven’s case that the lipstick on his collar was almost in a perfect lip shape.

I noticed a few other red smears on the left side of his shirt too.

His shoulder.

I suddenly had the urge to pull at the tie and wrap it back around his neck.

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