Page 18 of The King of Spring

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Who will have me as I am?

That is what Kore hears when she asks who’s willing to sit beside her, as the Consort of Hades. Kore hesitates as Hades turns away from the silent crowd, looking up at her brother with enough defiance to start a war.

The last wars between gods occurred so long ago that those wars are ancient history, lessons read in the crumpled pages of dusty books. Kore didn’t exist during the last war. The fight for Aphrodite occurred two millennia before his time.

Centuries of peace in the heavens, and he’s watching as that peace crumbles.

Do not be a coward,he tells himself.

He is stumbling forward, into the clearing of space between Hades and the many Olympians that gathered to witness her take a king. Kore desires no crown. He would rather kneel at Hades' feet, serving her in other ways. That desire moves his tongue, and his voice rings out into the tension of the room.

“I would have you take me, my queen, to be your consort.”

Shock ripples around Kore. Hades faces him with an expression of disbelief.

Nervous from all of the eyes he feels upon him, Kore wets his lips and swallows. He repeats himself to make sure his intentions are known, “I will be your consort, my queen.”

She appears younger—almost naive—when confused, and glances around as if she cannot believe he is speaking toher, Hades, Queen of the Underworld.

How could I mean anyone else?He wonders as he looks upon her, dazzled by all that she brings to this sterile realm.

He steps closer, kneeling at her feet. “I will serve you until Chaos swallows the heavens and takes them back into darkness. Ask anything of me and I will make it so.”

A startled laugh escapes her throat, “Will you?”

That question feels like Hades' acceptance.



She doesn’t wait for the silence surrounding them to ebb. Hades turns back to face Zeus, still standing atop the dais that holds his throne, and calls out to her brother.

“I choose this one,” Hades tells Zeus with defiance. She straightens, the long fall of her black hair brushing her shoulders as she raises her head higher. “I am leaving now. My duty is done.”

Zeus doesn’t move to stop her. Hades, snorting softly to herself, summons her bident—the sound of cracking ice fills the room with the same ferocity of a storm as the bident appears. She slams it against the marble of Olympus’ floor. A jagged, obsidian fissure appears, marring the white-and-gold ground. Growing like a rapidly expanding spill of ink, the darkness engulfs where Hades stands with Kore kneeling at her side.

“Good riddance, Olympus,” Hades says into the silence, as black smoke surrounds her and Kore. The dark cloud carries them home to the Underworld—back to her sanctuary.

At last.

Her vast throne room stands empty. Hades notices Kore sprawling on the floor, appearing queasy. She takes pity and offers him her hand. He stands on shaky legs, flushing in embarrassment.

“When you’re not used to traveling between realms, the sudden pull can feel overwhelming,” Hades says.

He offers her a quiet nod in response, but his interest turns to the throne room. Kore’s head pivots this way, then that; startling blue eyes soaking up every dark detail in obvious wonder. Hades would find it amusing if she wasn’t annoyed with this development.

She never meant to take a husband or consort. Yet, this man—a boy really—destroyed that plan. His earnest promise swayed Hades, and in a moment of weakness she took something she always wanted.

Open acceptance.

Now, I’ll be damned with the consequences.

“You may go wherever you please in my realm and do as you wish,” Hades tells Kore once his attention returns to her. “I am an extremely busy goddess, Kore. As such, you will spend long days without my presence.” She snaps twice, and Hecate appears in a show of green smoke. “Hecate will answer any questions you have, and she will show you to your quarters.”

Kore shuffles, as if he wants to say something, but Hades isn’t interested in giving him the chance.

“Hecate,” she says to the woman at her side. “Make sure he has a decent meal before bed. I’m going to change and sleep before I do my monthly inspection of Tartarus tomorrow.”
