Page 21 of The King of Spring

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He moves forward despite the hairs rising at the back of his neck.

Kore takes a step forward, one foot touching shale, the next hitting something softer, strange, andlumpy.

A growl follows, startling Kore to jump back. He watches with a slack mouth as a huge, black beast rises from where it was lying on the floor.

Three massive heads move, all snarling and revealing mouths full of large, sharp teeth.


“Shit.” Kore mutters, holding his hands up in supplication as he takes careful steps backward. “I’m not trying to leave.” He assures the beast, with as even a tone as he can manage in this circumstance.

The center head snaps at him. Without words, it tells him tostopand Kore obeys. Cerberus is a creature older than Kore, the guardian of these gates since Hades claimed him for her own.

“I am here to serve your queen,” Kore says, reaching a cautious hand forward for Cerberus to sniff. The beast snaps in response and Kore yanks his hand back, narrowly avoiding losing the appendage.

“Sorry,” he swallows. Kore contemplates running, but imagines his shredded body bleeding ichor across the shale that surrounds most of the Underworld. Maybe his queen will look at the glitter and smile at the little bit of color Kore brought to her world. Perhaps she will mourn the loss of his beauty and lock what remains of Kore away, in some dungeon to spare him from the humiliation of returning to Demeter.

So many possibilities, all of them rushing through his mind as Kore watches Cerberus' three heads arch above him. Three massive jowls open. Those teeth gleam, and drool drips ravenously from each razor-sharp fang.


The thought leaves him, rolling off his tongue as a whisper that escapes Kore on instinct.

In the span of breath, a black cloud blossoms before him, morphing into the shape of a crowned goddess, revealing Hades when the smoke descends toward the shale-covered ground.

“Sit.” Hades commands and Cerberus obeys.

His large backend plants itself on the ground, causing shale to clatter in a rumble of sound.

“Good boy,” Hades tells the great beast with a gentle, motherly tone. One of her pale hands reaches forward, cupping the side of Cerberus' massive head, her hand lost amongst his loose, sable pelt. “Now then,” she tells Cerberus in an admonishing tone, “You do not attack Kore. That isbad.”

Hades shushes Cerberus' whining with the same gentle cooing one uses with a small puppy. They create an odd scene, considering Cerberus is a legendary monster who strikes fear into the hearts of mortals and immortals alike.

“Kore is my new husband, and he should hold as much of your respect as I do.” She rubs each of Cerberus' faces, commanding him with a silent curl of her fingers to bend his heads closer. Cerberus obeys without hesitation, as if he respects and loves Hades more than anyone can fathom.

Certainly more than Kore can fathom, and he watches with open awe as Hades presses a kiss against each of Cerberus' individual heads. She loves the beast more than mortals say in their silly writings.

“Good boy,” Hades tells this ancient creature, when he reaches one of his heads toward Kore’s, bumping a cold nose against Kore’s stunned face.

“Praise Cerberus, Kore.” Hades commands, her gray eyes narrowing at him. He rushes to comply.

“G-good boy,” he stumbles over his tongue. The entire interaction leaves him feeling unsure and unsettled. Kore’s never been very good with dogs, though many seemed to enjoy his company.

Cerberus' long tongue lolls. Before Kore can dodge the wet muscle, it swipes up the side of his head, dragging Kore’s golden hair upward in an unintentional swoop.

He’s on the verge of cursing, but a sound stops the words in his throat. A beautiful, throaty laugh bursts forth from Hades, filling the silence of the void around them.

Demeter said that Kore could not live in this place without the light, but Hades' laugh has the same restorative powers as the sun. The way the sound envelopes Kore with warmth—and fills him with energy—is the same as when he sits beneath Helios' fiery chariot.

In a world without light, Hades is that golden ray for Kore. A slow smile spreads over his face as he watches his beautiful queen. She’s laughing because of his misfortune, but the laughter doesn’t sting. He’s willing to suffer many misfortunes if it fills the darkness with that tinkling sound. Kore will hurl himself into a shark-infested sea if that brings Hades joy.

May this deserted world always be full of echoing laughter.



After giving Cerberus a few treats from the pocket of her dress, Hades leads the way home. Kore walks a step behind her, as is the custom of a consort. Hades despises acknowledging customs. She stops. When he stops a pace behind her, she turns, facing him with an expression of consideration. Kore swallows; she’s momentarily distracted by the way his Adam’s apple moves beneath his golden skin. It’s been so long since Hades has felt the effects of a man. The last was a man she can’t even remember, one lost in time and now faded beyond obscurity. She knows, without a doubt, that she will never forget Kore. Eternities can pass and she’ll recall his warmth with clarity. Hades won’t forget his blue eyes and that devastating smile.
