Page 32 of The King of Spring

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Zeus' laughter booms through the silence, drawing Kore out of his thoughts. He glances up, watching as Zeus' large body shakes with humor.

“Go dance with your consort, Hades, and enjoy the party.”

With those words, the room moves again—breathing with new life as if they were waiting for Zeus' permission to lean into the festivities.

Kore breathes out a sigh of relief and allows his queen to lead him across the room.

Hades pulls him toward the center of the dance floor, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head against his shoulder. A slow melody plays and Kore swallows, resting his cheek against her cold crown.

“It must be uncomfortable,” Hades says, seeming to read him without words.

“I don’t mind. Holding you like this is a dream.” Kore admits as he leads her in a slow rocking motion; they don’t dance so much as sway, like a hug with movement.

“You have a way of making me feel worthy,” Hades admits. “It’s strange. Not unwelcome, but strange.”

Kore’s chest tightens, more fury filling him at the knowledge that this world made Hades feel unwanted. He sees the effect Hades’ aura has on the other dancers, the empty space the Olympians leave around them. “The universe isn’t worthy of you, my queen.”

“A silly flower. That’s what you are, my daffodil,” Hades replies.

“Silly flower or not, I’m right.”

Hades turns her face up, and Kore leans in to capture her mouth with his own. He grins as Hades deepens his kiss, morphing from chastity to desire with the introduction of her tongue. She explores Kore with obvious hunger, devouring him. A gentle conquering that Kore surrenders to without resistance.



The evening is proving enjoyable for Hades as the night deepens. There’s a feast and too much wine—wine that all of the greater gods indulge in for the sake of something to do. Eternity is a long time, and they all fall readily into vice. Hades' vice is secrets, ones she enjoys devouring when people are relaxed enough to share them.

Now that she’s married, her brother prevents her from enjoying the shadows. Instead, Zeus parades her and Kore around the court, properly introducing them to the greater gods of the Pantheon. Hades denied him this pageantry when she whisked Kore away to the Underworld. Months have passed since then, but Zeus enjoys making her uncomfortable by forcing Hades to be social.

When they get to Demeter, there’s a strange chill that falls between them. Kore, at Hades' side, stiffens—his appearance piercing and unreadable.

“Demeter, you’ve yet to give your blessing to our newest pair of lovebirds.” There’s a peculiarity to the way Zeus regards Demeter, as if there’s some unspoken tension lingering.

Hades isn’t in the know of Olympian gossip, but she’s certain Zeus' never made a pass at Demeter. She stands silent, searching for clues as Demeter glares at Hades' brother.

“I will not bless this union,” Demeter tells Zeus with a defiance Hades would admire in any other circumstance. However, being made to feel unworthy by Demeter adds another mark against Hades’ pride.

Zeus drops his hand from Kore’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes at the proud goddess who stands before him. Static permeates the air, building in intensity as seconds slip past. “And who are you to defy a union sanctioned by your king?”

Demeter doesn’t cower before Zeus, the way a lesser god might. Her gaze turns sharper while her mouth pinches into a thin line. Seething, she says, “That is my child, and I will not sanction this union.”

Hades straightens with shock, her gaze turning toward Kore—who steadily ignores her.

Zeus' mocking laugh bounces around the room, causing a wave of discomfort to ripple through their sudden audience. “Please, Demeter, everyone in this room knows you are a mother only to the dead.” A callous remark, even for Zeus. “No child could grow in your wasteland of a womb. Yet, here you stand claiming a boy who has pledged himself to one of your ruling sovereigns.”

Zeus steps into Demeter’s face and she does not flinch. Hades admires her for that bravery.

“If you were a lesser goddess, Demeter, I would undo you from existence and condemn what remains of you to Tartarus.”

Hades, watching Demeter closely, spots the barest of twitches.

So, she is afraid.

“That boy is my Persephone,” Demeter admits to the world, swallowing as if the admission burns her throat. “You cannot take my child without my blessing, Zeus. These are laws written before your own conception. Decrees handed down from Chaos. Do you defy them?”

Kore doesn’t move to refute Demeter’s claim. Hades finds that telling, but she holds her tongue. She allows Zeus to handle Demeter in his realm.
