Page 37 of The King of Spring

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“I never believed you would be here long,” Hades admits. “You were a source of placation for my annoying brother.” She holds his gaze, watching as her words pierce through his heart. Hades speaks with convictions she doesn’t feel. Her tongue becomes a weapon, lashing out against the one she could love if her kingdom would not suffer for that love. “You’ve had your fun, Kore. My realm and my bed served as a fitting escape from your mother. It is time you returned to her.” She moves closer to Kore, reaching out with a soft white hand to touch Kore’s strong cheek.

“I want to remain here, with you,” Kore murmurs. The melodious tenor of his voice seduces Hades even as she tries to relinquish Kore back to Olympus.

“You cannot be here with me,” her reply comes out low, a whisper. One Kore chases with his mouth.

“I want you,” he says, lips a breath away from Hades'. “I want you more than I want anything.”

“Wanting is not for kings, or queens, or even consorts. Wants come long after duty, and rarely are they realized.” Hades tells Kore with a sad smile. “I can want you until Chaos consumes the cosmos again…but it cannot be, Kore.”

“Then let me dream,please, Hades. Let me dream, just for tonight.”

She should deny his request. Hades knows giving him another sampling of her will stroke his desires. She should douse them, as any sensible queen would.

Yet, she chases his mouth and captures it with her own. Hungry for the taste of him. Sweet, dark, and tangy like the ripest blackberry—Kore’s flavor floods her tongue. He seeks every crevice of Hades, devours her like a conqueror. And she allows him to take her. A willing surrender.

Her dress, made of gauzy fabric, turns to rags beneath the urgency of Kore’s fingers. Tatters remain on the black-marble floor, but Hades cannot find it in her to care. She’s too busy arching beneath the hot claim of Kore’s mouth on her throat, gasping as he drags his teeth down the sensitive flesh between the slopes of her breasts.

Open-mouthed kisses sear Hades' skin as her fingers wind in the wheat color of Kore’s soft hair. The waves curl between her fingers and Hades closes her eyes, committing the feeling to memory. A memory she hopes to keep safe for the rest of eternity.

“I want you.” Kore says, his words damp and hot against her navel. Lust dark eyes capture Hades' gaze and she feels raw. Powerful.Desired.

A nod of her head is all the permission he needs, and Kore settles himself between her parting thighs.

“I’m going to touch you, my queen. I’m going to brand myself between your thighs. A memory I hope will torment you the way that you torment me.”

Hades' grin lifts the corners of her lush mouth. “Ruin me then, Kore. Show my body no other can compare.”

Her body has known many lovers. Many faceless and lost to the sands of time, but as Kore splits her with his cock Hades knows his image will remain with her. She will close her eyes—eons from now—and bring herself off to the memory of this moment. Hades loves the way Kore’s mouth falls open with a softohas her body shapes itself around him. Holding him like an oath.

Kore rocks his hips, enough to give pleasure but keep her far from release. Loving her slowly so that they can savor these final hours. Stretching them out to last until Chaos returns. It’s not enough; Hades wants more. She flips them, laying Kore against the mattress while keeping them connected. His eyes are wide, almost innocent, and Hades grins.

“It’s not enough,” she murmurs. Hades reaches for her hairpin, unbinding the dark strands and shaking them out. Her cool hair whispers against her back, causing a shiver to dance over her spine and Hades' core tightens with the sensation.

“By Chaos,” Kore whispers. His eyes rolling back in his head and his hips bucking up against her.

Hades grins, delighted by his reactions, and places her palms against his bare skin. Mapping him with her fingers, learning every dip. Each detail. She moves with intention, setting a slow pace at first. To torment him as he tormented her. Her movements tease her with the reminder of what she’ll miss, each downward glide brings Hades' clit against the coarse hair at the base of Kore’s cock. She grinds against him harder, enjoying the friction. Kore’s large hands grip her hips, fingers digging firmly into her flesh as she moves.

“Like that,” he praises. “Keep going, my love.”



Kore watches Hades, mesmerized by the way she moves above him. Her nakedness is bewitching, the way her full breasts bounce with each movement of her hips. The way her breath hitches higher and a flush blooms across her pale skin; the image Hades creates endears her to him. Each detail searing across his memory—forming a bank of private torture for Kore, for when they’re separated by duty.

Kore loves her, as he has never loved anyone or anything. If she asked him to stay, he would stay. If she asked him to die, he would die. If she asked him to leave, he would leave.

Hewill. It bruises his tender heart to realize Hades didn’t choose war over him.

Yet, Kore knows, Hades is a queen. Her duty comes before her heart. All they have is tonight, and he casts off the thoughts of despair that plague him while her body holds his cock within tight, slippery heat.

“Kore,” Hades moans. He can hear the sloppy sounds of their bodies colliding—Hades is so wet it’s obscene. Kore loves the slick feel of her body. The way she desires him, opening up to him and allowing Kore to reach the deepest parts of her.

“Fuck,” he whispers, like a prayer. “Fuck,” he repeats with a gasp.

His hands dig into her, gripping hard, and try to possess every part of Hades' soft skin. It’s not enough, Kore digs the balls of his feet into her mattress. Thrusting up hard. Kore meets Hades on every downward cant of her hips. Her mouth—lush and red—falls open with a silent scream. She’s close, he can tell by the way her movements slow, stuttering as if she doesn’t have the strength to continue. Kore will be her strength, he will take Hades to the crest of release. He will watch her fall apart, from pleasure, on his cock.

Kore sits up, cradling her to his chest as he fucks up into Hades with reckless abandon. The sounds they create are filthy enough to scandalize the God of Pleasure—Eros.I hope he hears, I hope they’re all listening.Kore thinks, sucking at whatever skin of Hades' he can reach.Know I am the one who will bring the Goddess of the Underworld to her knees.
