Page 15 of Skyla

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“Now get the fuck out of here,” Delta said loudly. “Before I get bored and start carving you up for fun.”

I didn’t stay to see if the Legion obeyed. In a flash, I was off the stage and pushing into the dressing room, trying to control my heart in my breathing. My whole life gone in a second. I braced myself against the counter and looked at myself in the mirror.

Did I have time to run? Because there was a reason I had avoided the fae my entire life. Now that I was a claimed hybrid, they were going to fucking kill me.

Silver pushed open the door behind me. I didn’t hesitate, flying at him. I even got in one good hit to his jaw before he had me up against the back of the door, his hand at my throat.

He wastouchingme.

We both felt it, and I pushed it to the side.

“What the fuck did you just do?” I snarled at him. “You said you were going to take care of it, notruin my life.”

“I saved your life, in case you weren’t paying attention.” His thumb rubbed over the point of my pulse, and I shoved him away. “Oh, yeah? What about the laws that say hybrids who haven’t triggeredathanasíaare to be killed on sight? What about that?”

All he did was trail his fingers down my neck and smirk at me before stepping away.

“How in the hell is this funny right now?” Tears gathered in my eyes. “You know how long I’ve been here. And now you know how hard I’ve tried to avoid this. How could you?” My words ended in a broken whisper.

Any trace of mirth disappeared when he saw my tears. “Were you listening to the second bit?”

“Yeah, the line of Shadows. A big help there, given I’d have to ask for specific protection from them. Can you get me a good word with the King?” I asked, the question dripping with so much sarcasm you could taste it.

Now he smiled again. “We’ve learned a lot about you,” he said. “But you don’t know as much about us.”

Silver stepped close to me again, his hands sinking into my hair and tilting my face up to his. Darkness slithered out of the corners to surround us. Darkness, yet it wasn’t dark. I could see him perfectly as he lowered his mouth to my ear. “You’re not the only one with secrets, Sky. And now that you’re mine, I can tell you.”

One breath, one heartbeat, and everything changed again.

“I am the King of Shadows, Skyla. No one will lay a finger on you without my permission, and you’re under my protection.”

The floor fell out from underneath me, and suddenly my legs weren’t the things holding me up. It was him.

“This was always going to happen,” he said softly. “No matter what. You’ve always been on a crash course with us, and we were always going to own you.”

The words were breathless. Lethal. They shook me to my core and lifted something dark and sweet. A contradiction—horror and longing.

Darkness curled along my skin like a caress. Welcoming and beautiful. Then it curled around me and held me like chains, morphing back and forth between the two. Something lit within me. Darkness and light, an awareness I’d never had before. Pieces of my soul I’d never noticed.

“You belong to the Shadows now, Sky, and once you do…”

He let the words hang in the air. I knew the end of the phrase. Everyone did. I felt numb as I finished for him. “You never come back.”

The shadows receded to their original places, and Silver kissed my forehead softly. “Welcome to the Court, baby girl.”





Igot my things—not that I’d brought much with me other than Cream Puff. She was awake now, especially after seeing Silver and his mass of shadows in the dressing room. But she didn’t blink an eye as I tucked her against my chest in the front of my jacket. Simply cuddled up and fluttered her wings.

She needed food. And the Shadows were going to provide it, or there would be hell to pay.

The club was empty except for the other girls, and the leadership of the Shadows—the five fae who now looked at me with more unconcealed desire than they ever had before. And I didn’t even know if I could look at them.
