Page 43 of Skyla

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Not thinking sounded nice. It sounded fucking fantastic after two days of my brain going a million miles an hour and never stopping. “And what will that mean?”

Delta spun me to him and pressed his face into my neck. His tongue dragged over the point of my pulse. “It means none of us are leaving this apartment for a while.”

“And that’s okay?” I asked. “Silver’s okay with us being here, and the club doesn’t need you?”

“If the club can’t survive without me one day, I haven’t taught them well enough,” Silver rumbled. “As for my apartment, I think I can make an exception for this.”

I looked at Delta. “Cream Puff. Earlier, did you see her?”

“We did.” Comet pulled me back into his chest. “She’s perfectly fine. Stop stalling.”

“I don’t know how.”

Grave was the one who stepped close now. He didn’t make me look at him, didn’t even wrap his arms around me. There were only words in his low, rough voice. “Do you want us?”

“Yes.” God, I’d wanted them for so long I barely felt it anymore. I always wanted them.

“Are you afraid of us?”

Closing my eyes, I shivered. “I’m afraid of how big it is. Not of you.”

“Mmm. And do you trust us?”

“Of course.”

Now he made me look at him. “Enough to surrender to the Shadows?” There was more than one meaning there. “This is about you and all of us together. It doesn’t matter which one of us is where. We are one.”

Shadowy darkness rose up around my limbs, teasing and pressing. It clicked together. “Without seeing you?”

“All you have to do is close your eyes,” he said. “We’ll take care of the rest.”

It was easier to cross this boundary in the dark. A fantasy rooted in reality. Something tangible to teach my body what my mind couldn’t comprehend. I wanted to turn my brain off and let them take care of me. Come out on the other side feeling clearer. Grave knew. They all knew.

I closed my eyes and surrendered to the Shadows.





Skyla closed her eyes, and the room filled with all of our power. Our vision was perfectly clear. The flush on Skyla’s skin and the heady, rich scent of her arousal. She couldn’t see anything, and it was better this way.

Our little dancer was too overwhelmed. And we needed to overwhelm her further. Wake up her fae. Get her out of her own head and relax into the truth ofthis.

Even now, it didn’t seem real.

Grave remained where he was, pulling the hoodie she wore—doused with his scent—up over her head and off. She wasn’t wearing a bra. I groaned at the sight of her. We’d seen Skyla’s body before. Had to stop ourselves from ripping the heads off other men who saw it too. But it was different here, when we were about to spread her out and worship her curves the way we always wanted to.

Comet picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Her eyes were open again, but nothing for her to see except darkness. She arched on the bed when Comet laid her down, fucking graceful even when she wasn’t dancing.

I started stripping out of my jeans, my cock so hard it felt like it might break through the fabric if I didn’t get it off.

“Lift your hips, baby girl,” Silver said.

Delta took off her leggings as she did. We would keep her in the dark in more ways than one. She wouldn’t know who was touching her and how.
