Page 46 of Skyla

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I nodded in the darkness, wishing I could see him and reveling in the fact that I couldn’t. There wasn’t any better way for this to happen. This way, I didn’t have to choose.

“One more,” he said. “Give me one more.”

The command was that of a king to his queen, and I couldn’t resist it. My body erupted in moonlight and shadows, swirling down into the depths of pleasure, and I sighed their names before it swallowed me whole.

* * *

I cuddled down into softness and warmth, more comfortable than I’d been in a long time. My body ached when I moved it, but that was probably normal when you had that kind of sex.

My eyes flew open.

Holy shit, I had that kind of sex.

The last rays of evening sun slanted in through the windows of an unfamiliar room. But based on the charcoal walls and the dark comforter over me, I was still in Silver’s apartment.

Slowly, I rolled over to find the fae lounging on the other side of the bed, scrolling on his phone. Completely naked.

The King of Shadows looked every inch a king. This was the first time I’d seen him naked. More tattoos decorated the thighs I loved watching in his leathers, the rest of him builtbetterthan the way I’d imagined him.

His cock was soft, but even then it was large. Now I knew just how big he felt, and I was glad I hadn’t seen him in the dark. I might have panicked about him fitting inside me.

“Careful, baby girl,” he said. “Stare at it for too long it’s going to wake up and say hello.”

His eyes locked on mine as he smirked. “Welcome back.”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“A few hours. We wore you out.”

“Yeah.” I looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”

Silver set his phone on the bedside table. “Taking care of some things.”

“Is that code for ‘club business you’re not going to tell me about?’” I rolled toward him.

A laugh. “Yes and no. Club business, yes. Will I tell you about it? Some.” He reached over and grabbed me, hauling me across his chest so he could kiss me, long and slow. “I like this.”

“It’s still weird, being able to do that.”

“I think you’ll get used to it now that you’ll get fucked every day.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Every day?”

“Every day. Probably more than that.”

“I’m not used to sex, Silver. I’ll be sore.”

Lifting me again, he gripped my thighs and spread my body over his before taking his cock and easing it inside me, though it wasn’t fully hard. A twinge of pain accompanied, but not enough to want him to stop. After all, I learned I liked pain, though the discovery made me blush.

He filled me up like this, too.

Silver sank a hand into my hair. “Every day, baby girl. You will have a cock in you. Pussy, ass, or that gorgeous mouth of yours.”

I rolled my eyes. “Is that a rule?”


“What?” My mouth dropped open. “You’re serious?”
