Page 71 of Skyla

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The door to the small barred cage was open. Clearly, a soft blanket covered the bars on the bottom, but it wasn’t big enough to stand or even sit. I could be on my hands and knees, and that was all.

Inside, the instincts they just forced to the surface were there, and they were curious about what this would be like, even as my human mind wanted to smack Delta. Something told me he might like that. And I would like what came after.

“I had this made for you, you know. You’re the only one who’s ever been inside it.” I went willingly, the curious part of my mind overriding my nerves. “I think I’m going to like you being my little slave for the day.”

I barely fit in the cage. My body pressed against metal on all sides.

Delta closed and locked it. I couldn’t turn my head, but I heard the snap of a lock. He wasn’t even close to finished.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think about how I want to restrain you, baby,” he whispered, fingers dragging over my spine through the bars. There was no way to see him, so I was relying on sound and feel. Like the clink of chain when he threaded it through the bars, and suddenly I could move my head even less.


He crouched in front of me, eyes serious as he slipped a small metal plate between the bars in front of me. “You can rest your chin on that.”

“I… what?”

“When I’m finished, you won’t be able to move, Sky. At all. You’re all mine. I can do whatever I like to you, and you’ll have no choice but to take it.”

My whole body shuddered, and my brain revolted. When he talked about the cage, I’d been aroused. I was still aroused, my body yearning for this in ways I couldn’t explain. But it was a lot.

“Do you trust me?” Delta still crouched in front of me, threading leather cuffs through the bars and strapping my wrists to the metal. The same with my ankles.

While he was behind me, I couldn’t help but notice the way my ass pressed against the bars, my pussyright therefor him.

Every strap that went on made me sink further beneath the surface. My senses opened and my heart calmed into a space of strange peace.

“Yes,” I finally said. “I trust you.”

“Good. One more thing.” He held one more strap. This one went behind my head, forcing it forward to press between the bars. So my mouth was there. And usable.

I tried to move, and couldn’t. “You really did think of everything.”

“I’ve been fucking my fist to thoughts of you like this for three years, Sky. Yes, I’ve thought of everything.”

He crouched in front of me again, the spark back in his eyes.

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

Reaching through the bars, Delta squeezed one breast and then the other before pushing his thumb between my lips. “Right now?” He grinned. “Right now you’re going to stay right here, knowing that you’re exactly where I want you. My little mate, in my cage.”

Leaning in, he kissed me quickly and stood, closing the door to the bedroom behind him.





My whole body shook. I ached from being in one position for what felt like hours, though I didn’t know how long it had been.

And at the same time, it worked. My mind wassoakedwith arousal, fading into the place where my fae was a part of me. Thinking of her as a different person was strange, but that was the way it felt. When I triggeredathanasía, maybe it wouldn’t feel that way.

I closed my eyes, sinking further into the sensation that felt like floating. I belonged tothem. The claim this represented was something Icraved.

Was I going to admit to them locking me in a cage had helped me? No. But there was no question it had.
