Page 74 of Skyla

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Delta kissed me slowly, the piercing in his lip brushing against mine. The way his naked body stretched against mine feltgoodandrightand not at all torn in two.

“I was fully human before they made me fae. It’s not the same. But when I woke up fae it felt as natural as breathing, so I think it gets better.”

“They just made you fae on a whim?” It wasn’t something I’d asked. I knew he’d been human, but it wasn’t a story you could just ask about.

“Not on a whim,” he smirked. “I fit in.”

I raised an eyebrow, wordlessly asking for the story.

“I was in the Army.”

Blinking, I frowned. “Really?”

“Really. Hence ‘Delta,’”

Pointedly, I looked at the piercings and the tattoos. “You don’t look like you’ve been in the army.”

Delta’s low laugh raised the hair on my arms. “There’s a reason I’m not anymore. And there’s a reason I’m good with money. While I was over in the Middle East, I didn’t think there was any harm in helping myself to the government’s money. They were dumping plenty of cash, and as long as all the palms were greased, nobody cared. Had a few side businesses with the locals.”

“Is that all?”

He nipped beneath my jaw. “Want me to tell you I was a good human, baby? I wasn’t. I like my knives, and I liked using them for money. Hell, I’ll do it for free because it’s fun and now money barely means shit. But I wasn’t a good man, and I’m no better now.” His tongue smoothed over the place he bit, soothing the skin and sending heat flaring through me.

“I never asked any of you to be good.”

“The Army wanted me to be. And I wasn’t. So they dishonorably discharged me. Ran into Silver and the others at a bar across the country, admiring his bike. They were there for a deal, and I overheard the guy they met with outright lie to them about the money. When I corrected him…” He let the words hang, but I assumed it hadn’t gone well for that man. “They brought me back with them, and I never left.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I arched into him. “From Army dropout to fae prince. That’s a hell of a step up.”

“Because I’m incredible, in case you haven’t noticed.”

I burst out laughing, and he swallowed it with another kiss. “Are you laughing at me, Sky?” His voice was dark and teasing.

“Never. You are incredible.”

“Don’t forget it.” He glanced down at me, gaze roving over my skin. “I want to pierce your nipples.”

My eyes went wide. “I like my nipples.”

“I do too.” Sucking one into his mouth, he looked up at me. “Which is why I want rings in them. Think of the things we could do. Your clit too. We could string chains between them.”

“Ow,” I said with a laugh. “No thank you?”

Delta pressed his lips to my ear. “Wraith would make them tighter than I would, baby.”

“Fuck.” Now that he said it, all I could do was imagine. I didn’t understand why I wanted to experience all the pain Wraith could give me, but I didn’t have to understand. I was his, and we both wanted it.

Leaning up, I kissed Delta’s neck, right over a tattoo of a bottle on fire reminiscent of the Shadow’s logo. “Are you going to keep me in here all day?”

He raised an eyebrow and bit my lower lip. “Am I boring you?”

“No, but I thought I might go see Clementine. See if she’s okay.”

“Mmm.” He rolled over, releasing me. “Fine. But you’re in my bed tonight.”

I looked over at him, and he shrugged. “I told you. You’re mine today. And once isn’t enough.”

My whole body flushed, and he laughed as I slipped away from him. Once wasn’t going to be enough for me either.

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