Page 80 of Skyla

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“There’s the camera,” he pointed. “And your mask.”

“You wearing yours? She’s going to know it’s you.”

He smirked. “We’ll have a little fun first. Do me a favor and make sure she sleeps naked.”

I snorted. “Do you really think she’s going to be wearing clothes when she’s in any of our beds?”

“Fair point.”

Multiple bundles of rope sat on the counter, along with duct tape, safety scissors, the camera and masks, and the hardware he was about to use to set up the scene of the crime.

“You could probably go further,” I said. “She can’t admit it yet, but she was in heaven this morning, when there was absolutely nowhere she could go.”

Comet started putting everything but the camera and my mask into his bag. “When she’s less breakable? Yes. Absolutely. When she’s immortal, I’ll kidnap her forall of us. We’ll take off for a week, find a cabin where no one will hear her scream, and have the time of our lives. But I think this is enough for now.”

I picked up the camera and checked the battery. “If she said no to getting taken?”

“Probably the same thing,” he said. “Minus the kidnapping. Okay. I have to make sure things are ready. You have a time you prefer?”

“Nope. Whenever is fine.” We walked out of his place together, and I dropped the camera off in my apartment, stowing both it and the mask in the drawer of my bedside table. This was going to be fun. It was still afternoon, with far too many hours to kill.

I dropped down into my chair in front of the massive display of monitors in my office. When people imagined a motorcycle club, they probably didn’t imagine a set-up like this. They also probably didn’t imagine a fae who looked like me being able to dig into people’s lives and fuck them up without ever knowing.

At the moment, I was working through the stack of IDs we took from the attackers. I was diving into their lives and finances, seeing if I could draw a link between them and the Blazing Legion.

Nothing so far.

That wasn’t to say there wasn’t anything suspicious. Just nothing to connect the two together directly, which was how they wanted it. There was a mountain of data to get through with nine people’s lives to dig through.

Setting the most recent ID aside, I jumped over to the Crimson Petal instead, needing a break from receipts from taco stands and takeout restaurants, cash withdrawals and blank deposits. I turned on my automatic crawler and scrubbed a hand over my face.

This work was enjoyable. For the last three years, whenever I’d been on the brink of madness, knowing my mate was close and I couldn’t touch her, I’d lose myself in this. Now that she was here, it was harder to focus.

I pulled up a new window.

Kramer had made a nice life for himself. His accounts told me he’d been doing shady shit under our noses for a long fucking time. We weren’t hurting for money, which meant Skyla wasn’t either. But she was now a very rich woman. It didn’t take much to switch over every record of the club’s ownership to her.

Same with the extremely generous insurance policy taken out on the place. I submitted the claim for the burned down building, along with the pictures which ‘proved’ it was an electrical fire and no one’s fault. If we needed to make a trip to nudge them in the right direction as far as the decision, we would do it. Hell, I could do it right now.

But it would be more fun if they said no first.

Five million extra dollars? Skyla could do whatever the hell she wanted. Once she was immortal and her power revealed itself, she wouldn’t need money. Maybe she’d rebuild the Crimson Petal and make it into something more than Kramer ever dreamed of.

A beeping drew my attention. My little crawler picking up something. I shifted back, my eyes racing over the data it found. The Blazing Legion wasn’t nearly careful enough with their records. Especially for warlocks who should know better. Their magic wasn’t bad. They could and should ward their bank accounts.

Well, I guess they had.

They should do it better.

A series of transactions was highlighted. No name on the receiving end, which wasn’t uncommon in businesses like ours. A fair number of the transactions over time told me it might be the same recipient. More interesting was similar amounts being given to our dead fuckers, again from an anonymous source.

If they used a middle man, that was something. I needed to have a concrete connection before anything else.

Glancing at the clock, I shut off the crawler and stretched. This work always took longer than I expected. The details sucked you in, and before you knew it, hours had gone by. The sun was set. Fuck me.

I needed to collect my mate and put her to bed. She had a long night ahead of her.

The air outside was cool. I loved this time of year. The beginning of fall when the air was crisper. The perfect time of year to stay inside with your cock buried inside a warm, willing cunt.
