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I was puzzled by her mention of a sorcerer. “I thought Rutger was a ritual master.”

“Thaumaturge.” Her tone was definite. “We think he cloaked the source of his power in order to get close to the Council. It seems a short step to guess that’s how he learned about the Cor.”

The knowledge shocked something deep within me, shocked and caused me pain. Memories rushed through my mind; working together, visiting the saloon after work, Saturdays in the Golden Gate park. I’d sucked his cock for pity’s sake. How had I been so wrong?

Though if Rutger had been a thaumaturge, it explained where Stevenson got the spells he’d plagued us with. Rutger had supplied them. He’d broken through Rafe’s protection spell, and set the nightmare curse on the winding mechanism, and half a dozen other things besides.

I gave myself some half a dozen heartbeats to wallow, then pulled myself together. Rutger was dead. Now it was Rafe I needed to concern myself with. Madam Munro would almost certainly want him to come to San Francisco, but his mother was correct when she said he’d hate living in the city. I needed to protect Rafe, even if it meant leaving him.

Leaving him? Oh Lord. No.

“Meredith, could you please see to the whereabouts of the boat with the two bodies. We’d do well not to leave them behind.” Madam Munro produced a small notebook from the satchel at her feet. “And Fairchild, I’d like a written report of these events, and do include as much detail as possible.”

“Of course, Madam, though I’d still like to know why you sent me here if you already had an agent in place.”

The Madam gave me a look that could have frozen my marrow. “She’s my niece and she was tasked with keeping an eye on the local witches. She couldn’t get close to the Gallaghers without giving herself away.”

Mrs. Morrison – Meredith – fluttered her fingers at me. “Seems you were expendable.”

“Quiet.” Madam Munro snapped at her. “Now see here, someone named Barnard will be here to retrieve us in”—she glanced at a small clock she wore on an Albertina chain around her neck—“an hour. Please be ready to travel with us.”

“Are you certain, Madam? Margaret needs—”

“Meredith will stay with Margaret for the time being—”

“No, Aunt Aggie, I’m sure that’s not—"

“You’ll stay.” If I’d thought Madam Munro was cold when she looked at me, now she was fairly frigid. “And yes, Mr. Fairchild, I am sure you’ll be traveling with me. As will Mr. Gallagher, too, I do hope.”

The back of Rafe’s hand brushed mine. “No,” I said, “Rafe should stay here—”

“Thank you, Madam Munro. I would be happy to travel with you.”

I only just stopped myself from hitting him with my elbow. “Rafe, you don’t—”

“At least part of the way. I’d like to look for my father.”

“What?” I grabbed his elbow, jerking him around so we faced one another. “What are you talking about?”

“I told you Martin Gallagher wasn’t my father.” He spoke directly to me, as if the others had left the room. “I’d like to find the man who got Mother with me, and I’d like it very much if you would help.”

Perhaps the others had left the room. I had eyes only for Rafe. “Of course.” Was I smiling? I must have been, although for once I wasn’t orchestrating it. Rafe would find traveling difficult, but if I could ease his way, “I’d be honored.”

“As would I.” Madam Munro’s interruption was far more annoying than it should have been. “Your mother was a Barron, born and raised in San Francisco. It would make a great deal of sense to start your search there.”

Rafe didn’t take notice of her, but I murmured thanks. She’d set us a trap, as neat as that, but I tried not to let it worry me. She’d have us where she wanted us, ready to use Rafe’s power and my name, but when it came down to it, we’d find a way out of her clutches. Besides, I had questions too, like how Rutger had managed to fool me so completely, and why I’d been able to turn a fishing net into a wooden bridge. Had someone blocked my real power, and if so, why?

These last few days had given me much to think about, me and Rafe together. We’d find our answers, and we’d do it together.

The End
