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“Anton, it’s Leo.”

“What’s going on?”

“I need some papers. The name doesn’t matter. Drivers license, passport, all of it.”

“For you?”

“No, her name is Talia Crawford. You should be able to pull what you need from public records.”

“Okay, when do you need it by?”

“We’ll be at Beckett’s place outside of Toronto by morning. How soon can you get it there?”

“Let me talk to Maya. She had plans for the morning, but Ares told me a bit about what was going on with you. If this is for your girl, then I’m sure she will understand. Is Beckett meeting you there?”

“I don’t know yet, probably.”

“I’ll find out. If he is, then I’ll get them to him and he can bring it all to you. If not, I’ll send someone.”

“Anton, there aren’t a lot of people I can trust right now.”

“I know. It won’t be a stranger. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.”

I hung up and felt like I could finally breathe a little easier. I had no doubt that Carter would come after us. I just needed some time to regroup. The ideal situation was that Carter would keep his fucking hands off Talia until we were ready to set him up. Over the years, I’d learned it’s easier to turn pricks like him over to the feds than it is to kill them and make them disappear. Carter knew too many people, and although I was certain he wouldn’t be missed, people would ask questions.

“Thank you.” Talia’s soft voice caught my attention. “I know you were just doing your job, but still I feel like I owe you my life. Miles had the look of the devil in his eyes tonight, even worse than the last time he assaulted me. I kept telling myself I could do it, that I just needed to be alive when he was over, but when he held me down like that I… I just couldn’t take it.”

I squeezed her hand and pulled off the expressway. It would be hours before the plane arrived, and I needed to look my Little Bird in the eyes as I spoke to her. I parked the car in the back of a gas station and slid my seat back before pulling her into my lap. I was a big guy, but she was just a little thing and the fact that she came willingly made my heart skip a beat. She crawled into my lap and her arms came around me as I held her to my chest.

“Sweet Talia, I told you once and I will remind you again: I am not here anymore because I’m doing a job. I’m here for you and only you.”

She lifted her head and looked up at me, right before I captured her lips with my own. She tasted of honey and sin and everything I loved about the world. I tried my hardest to be tender with her since she had been through absolute hell ever since that auction, but when she shifted her position and her ass pressed into my hard cock, I couldn’t help but take the kiss deeper. Talia moaned as her hands came up and she wrapped her arms around me. I was encased in her scent as her need and mine increased the tension in the car.

Talia pulled away slightly and rested her forehead on mine as we caught our breath. “I want you to make it all go away. I don’t want those memories to be my last.”

“They won’t be, Little Bird. I’ll do anything you ask of me to help make this better.”

I could see the sadness in her eyes as she nodded her head.

“Come on, let’s get to the airstrip and you can nap until the plane gets there.”

When she moved back into her seat, it felt as though a crater had opened between us. The space was haunting and made me wonder if I’d made a mistake in letting her go. I wasn’t lying when I told her I’d take away her pain. I just didn’t want it to happen here. Talia deserved more from me. Hell, she deserved more from everyone and I was about to make it my mission in life to ensure she got everything her heart had ever desired.

Hope for the Future


Isleptforawhile at the small private airport and then on Beckett’s plane. Even in an uncomfortable seat rather than a bed, I slept better wrapped in Leo’s arms than I had in my entire life. Since I grew up with an alcoholic mother who spent more time abusing me than she did parenting me, I ended up living with Raven. Things were good for us then, but her mom always struggled to make ends meet so I would work as much as I could to contribute to the bills. We were physically safe, but financial worries always kept me on the edge of my seat. Once her mom got sick, I could kiss goodbye to any sense of normalcy, and losing her was like losing the only mother I ever had. Raven was my entire life, and I was hers. After everything that happened with Miles, I was terrified I’d never see her again. Something about Leo’s touch calmed all of that within me. The anxiety and worry that I had grown so used to always being there was gone. In less than twenty-four hours he got me away from Miles, on a plane to Canada and now I was laying in bed waiting for him to get out of a shower that was the size of our old apartment.

“Hey, you doing okay?”

I looked up to see him standing in front of me in nothing but a white towel and drips of water that glistened on his body.


I shook my head slightly and closed my gaping mouth as he smiled at me.

“Yeah sorry. Did you ask me something?”
