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“I get that. We don’t have to talk anymore today if you don’t want to.”

“What’s next on the agenda?”

“That’s up to you. We can take another walk if you’d like. There may be one way I can prove to you I am who I say I am, but that’s not something we can do here. I should probably get up, anyway. I’m sure I’ll hear shit about this tonight.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get in trouble.”

“It’s nothing. If they piss me off, I’ll just kill them,” he said with a wink.

I gave him a smile and shook my head. How in the world was this my life now? I made my way into the bathroom and freshened up a bit. I didn’t know what time it was, but considering I was feeling like myself again, I was sure another meal and meds were close. I ran my hands under the water and tried my best to tamp down my frizzy pile of hair. If only the big hot Leo Rand had been around a couple months ago when I was looking adorable, maybe I would have stood a chance. Today I wanted to look nice for him, which made little sense, but it was what it was.

We walked back out into the courtyard, but this time we moved further under the tree line. I could sense the eyes of the other guards on us as I looked back toward the house. Two were on the back patio and one was in the window upstairs. All with eyes for us. The walk was tiring. The problem with all the meds they were giving me was worse than just the effects of the time I took them, but I had started to think I was growing accustomed to taking them. When too much time had passed, I’d feel like I did now, sick, tired and confused.

“Are you doing okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just haven’t been this active in weeks.”

“We can head back after this, but I have someone who will want to talk to you.”

I watched as he pulled a cell phone out of his pocket that I hadn’t seen before. The one he was usually on had a plain black case, but this one had nothing on it. He pressed a couple of buttons and then stepped further behind a tree, motioning for me to come with him. I quickly glanced up at the house. The man in the window was gone and the two guards on the porch were talking to each other and ignoring us. I looked up at Leo when I heard him talking.

“Raven, it’s Leo. I have Talia with me, but we don’t have long, okay?”

My heart raced as he pushed the phone into my hand, signaling I only had a couple of minutes.


“Oh my god! It’s so good to hear your voice. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am. It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, though.”

“I’m so sorry we got into this whole mess. Where are you?”

“California. We came here right after the auction.”

“I’m sorry Talia, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t apologize to me. I’ll be fine. Besides, Leo told me you’re doing really well. Tell me about your husband?”

“He’s not my… well, we aren’t married yet, but he’s kind of amazing. I honestly can’t believe how lucky I got.”

“That’s great Rae, I’m so happy to hear you are doing okay.”

“Tell me what’s going on. Why can’t you use your phone?”

“Miles doesn’t really like me having much contact with anyone. He only recently let me walk the grounds of his estate, and that’s just because he hired Leo as my security.”

“He hired Leo?”

“Yeah, small world, huh? I was shocked when he said he knew you.”

“Leo’s a good man. He’s worked for Beckett for a long time. I’m happy he’s with you now.”

“Yeah, he’s really nice.”

I looked up at Leo, trying my best not to break down into tears. This was so much harder than I ever would have thought it would be.

“Are you okay, though? Really?”
