Page 26 of Bait

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My back arched and I cried out. I bit my lip to keep from screaming.

This house was big, but I didn't need my mother to hear what I was doing. Thankfully, her and Leo's bedroom was right at the other end, so I could have shouted at the top of my lungs and probably not been heard. Still, I didn't want to be too loud.

Mannix stepped out of his jeans and walked around the bed to lie down on the other side of me.

Both guys snuggled into me and somehow managed to get the covers over the top of us.

"That was awesome," Mannix said, sounding sleepy.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, addressing the question to both of them.

"Anything," Ice said. "I'm an open book as well as an open mouth."

He knew just the right words to say to make my heart race and my mind picture them together again. That would be an instant replay in my brain for a long time. Potentially forever.

"Have you two ever… Done that before?"

"No," Mannix said.

"I've thought about it plenty of times." Ice rolled me onto my side and rested his hand on my ass. "We've talked about it, but we've never acted on it."

"Except the time we shared a kiss," Mannix said.

"Right. But we never talked about it." Ice sounded regretful. "I thought maybe Mannix regretted it." He picked up his head and looked over me and to the other guy.

"No, I never regretted it," Mannix said. "I was worried it would change our relationship too much. But seeing you like this tonight, with our Princess, and willing to suck me off, I wasn't gonna say no."

"Neither was I," Ice said. "I was starting to think you'd never ask. I can't tell you how many times I thought about getting my lips around that cock of yours."

"Would you go further with each other?" I asked tentatively. I already changed their relationship but neither seemed to mind. That didn't mean they wanted to do more than they already had. I could picture it though, and if the sight was as hot as the mental image, then it was definitely something I wanted to see. And hear.

Mannix ran the back of his knuckles down my cheek. "Do you want us to, Princess?"

"I only want you to do what you want to do," I said carefully.

He chuckled. "That wasn't what I was asking. That goes without saying. I want to know if you want to watch us fuck?"

I cleared my throat. "If you do it, and want me to watch…" When he narrowed his eyes I changed my wording. "I'd like to watch."

"Then, if we fuck, you can watch," Mannix said. "There's nothing wrong with asking for what you want. It's the best way to get what you want. If you want either of us, or Ares, tell us. The same way I tell you what I want. It saves a lot of time and bullshit."

"I want a new black hatchback with a bright red ribbon," I said half joking. "Make that a black ribbon."

"Consider it done." Mannix nodded like it was no big deal.

"You don't have to do that," I said with a small laugh.

"How else do we fulfill your dreams?" Ice asked. "If you tell us what you want, we'll make it happen. That's what we do. We make things happen."

Why did that send chills through my body?

"Yes, we do," Mannix agreed. "We'll give you everything you ever wanted and more."

"More than you ever dreamt of," Ice agreed.

"More than any Princess ever had." Mannix dragged his knuckles over my lips and down the line of my jaw. "You'll learn that belonging to us has lots of benefits. No one will dare fuck with you, like they don’t dare fuck with us. We'll make sure you're protected wherever you go and whatever you do. We look after what is ours."

"Yes, we do. We all look after each other." Ice squeezed my ass. "Including Ares. Don't worry about him, he'll come around. He needs us, we need him and he wants you too much to walk away."
