Page 33 of Bait

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"Of course I do," I agreed. "I'm a nice guy." No I wasn't, not even a little bit. I prided myself on being who I was. Hard, tough, always in control of everyone and everything around me. I was exactly the guy my father moulded me to be. The son he made in his own image, but with a harder edge, because I didn't try to be nice. Except to the three people on the face of the planet I give a shit about. For them, I would give up my soul.

Everyone else, could get fucked.

Chapter Fifteen



Working until after dark and locking up the gym with Charlie was disconcerting, until he hurried away down the street towards his car. He walked like he couldn't get away fast enough.

"Night," I said to his disappearing back. He quickly became a shadow amongst parked cars and dim streetlights. The smell of garlic hung in the air from a nearby restaurant.

I found myself alone, and shivered. Only the occasional passing car reminded me I wasn't really alone. I might as well have been as I walked to my car. My whole body was on alert, my mind replaying that night yet again.

"I could turn on my phone and find you, but where's the fun in that? The thrill of the chase is much more entertaining. Then when I catch you, I'll know I've earned my trophy."

"There's no one here," I said under my breath. "You're overreacting because of that night." Of course I fucking was. It wasn't every day I saw a man get killed. It wasn't every night a murderer followed me through the trees. Taunted and terrified. How long would it be until I didn't freak out walking around alone at night? The fear may never leave.

Maybe past me should have been more careful, but the dark never bothered me before.

It bothered me now. A lot.

Headlights loomed behind me.

Fumbling slightly in my haste, I pressed the button on my key to unlock the car and wrenched the door open. I all but threw myself inside and slammed the door shut behind me.

The car sped past without so much as slowing.

"Stop being paranoid." I tossed my bag on the seat beside me and started the car. She purred like a big cat. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. She was an extravagant gift, but she was beautiful.

Using the Bluetooth connection with my phone, I put on the latest album from my favourite band, Wolf Venom, and pulled away from the curb.

I glanced in the rearview mirror as headlights appeared around the corner a hundred or so metres back. I didn't give them any more thought until I drove through a couple of sets of traffic lights and they were still there.

So what?I asked myself.They're just heading in the same direction I am.

Every so often, I'd glance up. They were no closer, but no further away either. I couldn't make out anything past the headlights, but it didn't look like a truck, and it wasn't a motorcycle. That narrowed it down to about a million other kinds of car.

I turned the stereo up for my favourite song,“Before I Stay”,and sang along while trying to keep myself from what was more than likely an unnecessary freak out.

"You want to give me all of your soul,

But your eye is on the door.

Your hand is on the handle ready to turn,

But you step toward me."

I was the first to admit I had a crap singing voice, but here by myself, no one could hear me anyway, so I sang at the top of my voice. This song was so good, I couldn't help myself.

Ironic how, according to the media, the guys in the band all shared a girlfriend, the solo singer Abbie Hart. From the sound of it, she toured the world with them and they all fell in love. How adorable was that? Not to mention inspirational. If she could handle multiple boyfriends, maybe I could too.

The song ended and I glanced up to see the car still behind me. It was a little closer now.

A shiver passed through me. I thought about calling one of the guys, or Mum, or Leo, but what would I say?Hey, I'm driving home and a perfectly innocent car is behind me, but it's scaring me.

Yeah, that sounded pathetic to me too.
