Page 37 of Bait

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Mannix patted Ice on the shoulder. "Me too, bro, me too. Princess, are you in the gymnasium's files yet?"

"Almost." It was difficult to work with them talking about sex so casually. And my brain picturing where on each other they might slide into. Thinking about them fucking each other made my core hot. I needed to focus before I started to drip.

A couple of minutes later, I said, "Here we are. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all the students and staff, present and past."

"Can you print it out?" Mannix asked.

"Can I make a hard copy of evidence I committed a crime?" I winced. Whatever could go wrong from doing that?

"No one will ever know it came from you," he assured me. "Besides, my father and I have connections. You wouldn't get in trouble for doing something so minor."

"Is that how you get away with driving so fast?" I asked, only half joking.

He grinned. "Exactly. It helps to know people." He sounded like he meant half the city was in his pocket, but I didn't ask. If that was true, it was better I didn't know. I suspected at least some of it had to do with how rich they were. People with that much money tended to get away with a lot of shit regular people didn't.

Although, if it was true, who really were these guys?

I turned my attention back to the screen. "It should be printing out now in the study."

Leo had his own office in another part of the house, but the study was there for everyone to use. Mostly, I liked all the books in the floor to ceiling bookcases. Not that I got much time to read, but it was one of my favourite pastimes.

Mannix nodded and slipped through the door to the study. He came back a couple of minutes later with a few sheets of paper stapled together.

"This should be everything we need. I'll look through it and see who we can rule out straight away. Nova Lasalle and her family, for one. My father works f— with Daisy Lasalle and Ric DiMarco. If they wanted Kennedy dead, she'd be dead."

"I met Daze at the party you didn't want me to go to," I said slowly. "Nova is a nice kid." I frowned. "Wait a minute, what do you mean if they wanted me dead, I'd be dead?"

The guys exchanged glances. Something seemed to pass between them.

I looked from one to the other. "Is someone going to explain?"

Finally, Mannix said, "They're powerful people. Sometimes powerful people do things to get what they want. Sometimes those things are illegal."

"No shit." I nodded to the paper in his hand. "But killing people?"

Were Ric and Daze behind the murder of that man? From the way Mannix was talking, I should definitely keep my mouth shut about what I saw. If those two were that ruthless, not to mention Daze's other two boyfriends, I might end up dead. In spite of one of her boyfriends being Mannix's brother.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. When did all of this get so complicated? And deadly?

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Mannix shrugged. "Be glad they don't want you dead. From what I gather, Daze likes you. In this town, that's a good thing."

"You're scaring her." Ice spoke softly and put his arm around me to pull me closer. "We won't let anything happen to you, I promise." He kissed my forehead. "If anyone is going to do any killing, it will be us killing anyone who dares to lay a hand on you, or try to hurt you in any way."

"That might be a bit extreme," I said. Of course he didn't mean that literally. That would be crazy.

"Not even a little bit extreme," he said. "You belong to us and anyone who tries to mess with you, is going to learn not to."

"What he said," Mannix agreed.

Ares grunted.

"See, Ares agrees." Ice waved his hand in the direction of the other guy.

Ares looked at him like he didn't agree at all, but only grunted again.

"So what are you going to do to the people on the list you can't rule out?" I asked tentatively. All this joking about killing, if it was joking, put me on edge. If I gave all those names to the guys and they did something stupid, that would be on me. I should have refused to do it. Shouldn't I?

On the other hand, if whoever followed me tonight was on that list, and the guys could find them and hand them over to the police, then that would be a good thing, wouldn't it? I'd be that much safer.
