Page 44 of Bait

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"Mine too." He leaned over to lick sour cream off the side of my mouth. "Mmm, delicious. And the dinner isn't bad either." He sat back and ate his.

"This is nice." I looked up at the stars while I ate. For a little while, I forgot about everything. Study, the stalker, murder, even Ares' antagonism.

"I spoke to your father the other day."

I didn't expect Mannix to stiffen the way he did. His response was immediate, his whole body alert, wary.

I shrank back slightly, involuntarily. Was that the wrong thing to say? If I ruined our—I guessed I could call this a date—I'd be disappointed in myself. I didn't realise his father was a hot button topic in any way.

"You did?" he asked carefully. "What about?"

"Just about us." I spoke with forced lightness. "I got the impression you talked to him about us too. He seems to approve, as long as things don't get messy."

"Right." Mannix relaxed visibly. "I told him. Assured him things wouldn't get messy. He assured me the same thing about your mother. Iftheydo, it's no big deal. We're solid, you and I."

"Are we?" I asked. "What are we, exactly? Step siblings with benefits?"

Something flashed behind his eyes, but it was gone before I could identify it.

"You're my girlfriend," he said. "And Ice's girlfriend. Someday, you'll be Ares' girlfriend too." He made it all sound so simple, so straightforward. Maybe it was that simple. Maybe I was the only one making it complicated.

"And you're my boyfriends. Isn't that a little weird? I know polyamory is nothing new, but I don't know anyone in that kind of relationship. Except the band Wolf Venom."

"There you go then. We can be as cool as they are." He finished his taco and handed me a napkin before wiping his fingers on another one.

"That's a stretch," I said, "that I could ever be as cool as them."

"I've met most of them and let me tell you, you're much cooler than they are." He said it like meeting one of the biggest rock bands in the world was no big deal.

Meanwhile, I gaped at him. "You've met them? How?"

"Daze's boyfriend Ric is the drummer, Asher’s, cousin," Mannix explained. "And my father works with the brother of the lead singer, Zeke Brantley. They don't come to Dusk Bay often, but when they do, Ric always throws a party and invites everyone. I'll make sure you come the next time."

Come was the right word for it, because I was so excited at the prospect of meeting them, I might do just that. Aside from Mannix, Ice and Ares, Zeke Brantley was one of the hottest guys on the face of the planet. I might even have photos of him on my phone. And the keyboard player, Penn. And… Okay, they were all hot. Their girlfriend was a lucky woman.

"On the other hand, if you're going to look at them like that, I'm going to tie you to my bed and make sure you stay there." He looked slightly annoyed. Was he actually jealous of me fangirling over famous musicians? I wouldn't have a chance with any of them even if they were single.

"I'm not going to throw myself at them," I argued.

"You better not," he growled. "I'd hate to have to take a hit out on a whole band just to keep them away from you."

I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

"If you care about me, you won't kill my favourite band." Softly I added, "I know who I belong to. I just like their music, that's all."

He seemed placated by that. "They're just regular guys who happened to be famous at the moment. That's all. When their fifteen minutes of fame are over, you'll forget all about them."

I hoped they didn't stop making music anytime soon, but I didn't want to get into an argument over a rock band, of all things. No doubt he was right, they were just regular guys, and Mannix and the others were so much more than that. They were like no one else I ever met. Intense, intelligent and off the charts hot. How could any rock band compete?

"Why would I want them anyway, when I have you?" I asked.

"Exactly." He started to pack up the picnic. "Let's go for that swim we talked about. After that, I hope you're ready for me to fuck you, because I'm more than ready."

Before I could answer, he rose, scooped me up in his arms and jumped into the pool.

We were both fully dressed.

Chapter Twenty
