Page 17 of Meet the Teacher

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“Oh shit, you’re right. Let’s check that one off,” I say.

He laughs briefly to himself before saying, “I was only thinking on my feet.” He winks. “Get it?”

My eyes roll, but I allow a slight laugh to escape me. “Oh my god. Well, I guess you’re entitled to make dad jokes now though,” I offer. “Oh wait, and I’m crossing off ‘flash or moon someone’ as that was also accomplished last night.”

“Um, what? No way! That doesn’t count,” Zayn says.

I take the pen to the paper and cross it off. “Excuse me, but you saw my whole butt. It counts,” I say.

“Yeah, but it was on accident,” he counters.

I think about it for a moment. “Ok, I’ll put a half-check by it since it sort of counts. If I finish the list and still haven’t, I’ll plan to do it. Swear.”

“Hah, you’re starting to sound more like the Autumn I used to know,” he says.

I pause for a moment, unsure if he means that in a good or bad way.

Zayn fills the silence. “Okay, Miss Parker, so which one of these do you want to do next?”

“Hey lady, how ya feeling?” Mason asks me as we walk out of the school building to the parking lot together.

“I’m doing a lot better now that my foot is back to normal. Head is still a little on the fritz with these terrible headaches,” I admit.

He purses his lips. “Well, shit. I was going to see if you wanted to go grab some beers with me and Nat. I can tell she’s feeling a bit left out since you and I work together now.”


Waving a hand in front of me, he says, “It’s all good, girl. Get some rest. We can raincheck.”

I pause for a moment. “Well, it’s honestly not my head that’s the problem. I want to, but I actually have other plans tonight.”

His eyebrows raise as he dramatically places his hand on his chest. “Oh, well excuse me, Miss Popular. What do you have planned?”

I grit my teeth. “Okay, I know what it sounds like, but it’s not a date.”

“So, it’s not the head that’s the problem. It’s the heart. Let me guess . . . you’re going out with a certain fireman, aren’t you?” he teases.

I smirk. “Guilty.”

“Well, well. Need I remind you this is the boy who crushed your heart into a million little pieces that took months to clean up? He sure never put out his own fire he started.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Really, Mace?” I shrug. “But trust me, I haven’t forgotten. We’re just going for sushi so I can cross it off the WOLO list. Nothing more.”

He gives a dragged out “okay” before adding, “Nat and I would’ve gotten sushi with you, but I know Mr. Mitchell heroically rescued you from your bar fall. And I know personally the man is harmless now that he has a kid. So, go on and enjoy your not-date date.” He gives the last couple words emphasis with air quotes.

“Hah, well I promise you if I do like sushi, you, me, and Nat can go eat it as our next date.”

He seems to like that answer because he blows me a kiss and gives me a wink. “That better happen, bitch. Love you! Go have fun.” Mason is about to sit in his car when he taps the top of it briefly. “Oh, and please call or text if you need any fake emergencies to happen. We got your back, boo.”

“Yeah, hopefully no more real emergencies. I’ll keep you posted, love!” I blow him a kiss before we both get into our cars.

I sit in mine for a minute, clutching the steering wheel. Releasing a deep breath, I think,Shit, is this a mistake? It’s one meal with Zayn. That’s it. And I probably won’t even like sushi. Or him.

* * *

“So,what do you suggest I try?” I ask Zayn as I look over the menu.

He snatches the menu from me and asks, “Do you trust me?”
