Page 48 of Chasing Secrets

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“Amsterdam? I guess all those professors in nursing school forgot to mention you can’t get to Amsterdam by car.”

I managed to keep a straight face for about five seconds, which was long enough for Lincoln to process my joke. “Little shit,” he muttered before he grinned and tousled my hair.

“Double D’s,” I said with a laugh. “Ford and I used to ride our bikes there almost every Saturday when the snow finally melted.” I dropped down into the passenger seat and let Lincoln close the door. Once he was settled in the driver’s seat, I added, “We knew there was some kind of joke behind the name but figured it had to do with the owners being named Dick and Dee.” I actually laughed aloud. “We kept hearing all these people laughing when they’d say the name of the place, so we’d spend the entire bike ride there and back trying to come up with names that made sense.”

“When did you figure it out?” Lincoln asked with a chuckle.

I could feel the blush crawling up my neck. “Um, not sure.”

“Liar,” he said with amusement. “Now youhaveto tell me.”

I shook my head even as I smiled at the memory. When I glanced over and saw him looking at me expectantly, I said, “Okay, but start driving because I can’t tell you and look at you at the same time.”

Lincoln obligingly started the car and pulled away from the curb. “Spill,” he ordered.

“So we never actually did really figure it out,” I began. When Lincoln glanced at me in fake annoyance, I put up my hand and continued. “But there was this one day after he and I had started… experimenting,” I said awkwardly. “We were looking at stuff on the internet to figure out how things between two guys even worked. We ended up on this site that had A LOT of videos on it. Too many to count. So we watched one, then another, and then it was like we went down this rabbit hole or something because we ended up on this video where two guys were…”

I felt like I was going to burn up from the embarrassment, but I also couldn’t stop the little giggles that kept slipping from between my lips as I remembered how Ford’s and my eyes had been glued to that little screen.

“Where two guys were…” Lincoln prompted.

“Um, yeah, the two guys, they were, um… they were inside the third guy,” I stammered, sure I’d burn up in flames right there on the spot.

He looked at me in confusion. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t getting it. “They were… you know… at the same time.”

Lincoln shook his head. “Sorry, I’m not sure—”

“They were both fucking him at the same time!” I practically yelled just so I could get the words out. “Two dicks in one guy at the same time. Double D’s.” I shook my head in disbelief. “How does a gay guy your age not know that’s a thing?”

A broad smile spread across Lincoln’s lips even as he kept his eyes on the road.

“You asshole,” I growled. I gave his arm a hard shove, not even giving thought to the fact that he was driving. But Lincoln was in complete control of the car.

Even as he laughed his ass off.

When he finally caught his breath enough to talk, he said, “That must have been one hell of a video.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked. Ford and I had both been horrified by the prospect of two dicks in one hole but we’d also admittedly both been turned on by it. It was the first time we’d seen each other’s erections through our shorts.

“Because if you’d taken the time to read what the video was called or seen any of the keywords, you would have seen that it’s called DP,” Lincoln answered. “Double penetration.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. I wondered if Ford had ever figured out our erotically charged faux pas.

“So Double D’s really does just stand for Dick and Dee?” I asked. “What’s funny about that?”

“You’ll see, sweetheart,” was all Lincoln said with a grin.

I should have reminded him that friends didn’t use endearments like “sweetheart,” but I was too busy basking in the pleasure of the way he’d said it. I loved his voice. It was deep and smooth but had so many nuances depending on how he was saying something. It would take a lifetime to learn them all.

The reminder that there would be no lifetime with Lincoln dampened my mood a bit but when we passed the sign welcoming us to Amsterdam, Minnesota, I perked up. When Lincoln pulled the car into one of the few open spots in front of the custard stand, I couldn’t help but say, “It looks exactly the same.”

I’d been hoping to see some obvious clue so I’d get the joke before Lincoln had to explain it to me.

“Look up, baby,” Lincoln said and then his hand was on my chin. He lifted it enough that I was looking at the top of the custard stand. It was just two big ice cream cones next to one another with a cherry on each of them. There were two capital Ds underneath the cones.

“Now, take off your gay cap and put on the ‘what would a straight guy see’ cap,” Lincoln continued, amusement clear in the way he spoke.

Straight cap? What the hell was he—?
