Page 148 of Pretty Vengeful Queen

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Except, maybe I don’t have to. He already knows, because he feels it too.

“I love you, Riley Sutton. You came into my darkness and met me there. You saw the monster in me and helped me understand it. You complete me. Now I want to spend the rest of my life completing you. I want to love you and hurt you, protect you and cherish you, until my last breath. Will you marry me, too?”

I can barely get the word out past the lump in my throat, but even if it hurts, especially when it hurts, I will always say yes to this man.

“Yes.” I swipe at my cheeks again. “I want to be your wife, Logan.”

He gets to his feet with the smooth grace of a striking snake, gathering me up just as fast. “And I want to be your husband,” he murmurs before kissing me deeply. “I want to be your everything, along with my brothers, until the day I die.”

Brothers. Both of them. Logan just said so, and all three of them are here, so I’m not sure why it shocks me so much when Logan steps back and Maddoc finally comes forward.

He takes both my hands, and I only realize I’m holding my breath when I start to feel dizzy.

Then he drops to one knee.

“Oh my god,” I blurt, laughing through a fresh wave of tears. “I was planning on wearing you down!”

He smiles, and I see my forever in his eyes. “You never needed to wear me down. I wanted to marry you from the first time you asked, butterfly. Even before that. I just needed to be sure that you would never doubt why I wanted to.”

“I don’t,” I whisper, squeezing his hands.

“I just had to get out of my own way and trust what we have between us,” he says, his voice gravelly. “And I do, because it’s more real than anything I’ve ever felt. Even if I didn’t marry you, I would want to spend every day by your side and every night in your bed. I don’t ever want to wake up without you again, but I also want to make it official. I love you. We all do. Will you marry all of us, Riley?”

I nod, too choked up to answer any other way. But when he pulls out a ring box—when Dante and Logan go back down on their knees on either side of Maddoc, pulling out ring boxes of their own—I find my words again.

“Yes. Oh god, so much yes. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. All of you. I want to be your wife. I want… I want all of it.”

“And we’re gonna give it to you, for the rest of our lives,” Dante promises in a voice raw with emotion as they each pull out the rings they bought me—gold, platinum, and titanium—and stack them on my finger.

My heart swells as I twist my hand to admire them, letting the candle light glint off the metal. I’m so full of happiness that I’m not sure how to contain it, so I don’t even try.

Instead, I share it with the three men who adore me, who’ve stood by me, who’ve fought and killed for me. The men fate thrust into my life, whom I now can’t imagine living without.

My future husbands.

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