Page 13 of King of Malice

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My nipples tightened, the ache in both allowing me to feel more alive than I’d been in years. How could one man awaken the desire burning deep within, easily unraveling my needs as if he’d known them all along? Panting, I sensed another orgasm deliberately trying to derail the beautiful moment. I took shallow breaths, but my pussy refused to obey me like I’d denied following his orders.

The climax came hard and fast, crashing into me with all the fury of years spent hungering for something this passionate.

“Oh, God. Oh…” The haze in front of my eyes deepened, my heart racing.

His hands now gripped my hips with so much pressure, I knew my skin would bruise, but I didn’t care. I pushed up from the bed, arching my back. The sounds slipping past my lips weren’t human, so animalistic I didn’t recognize my own voice.

Phoenix seemed delighted, growling with every savage thrust, our combined sounds fueling the fire even more.

The pure rawness of what we were doing tingled every muscle, the orgasm keeping me in the incredible fog. He continued fucking me with no mercy, beads of sweat dripping from his face onto my back. Then he wrapped an inked forearm around my waist, the colorful markings somehow grabbing my attention. With my eyes getting heavy, I finally sensed he was close to coming and I squeezed my pussy muscles.

A smile crossed my face when he erupted deep inside, filling me with his seed.

Dear God, this was dirty and delicious and…

I had no idea how long we remained locked together, the glory of sweet bliss wrapped around us like a warm blanket. When he finally eased me to the bed, curling his limbs around me, exhaustion replaced the moment of pure ecstasy. While I tried to keep my eyes open, the lull of the train’s engine and the warmth of his body as he held me became far more powerful.

As I slowly drifted off, more peaceful than I’d been in as long as I could remember, his voice and the words he whispered in my ear I knew would linger long into the night.

“You’ll learn very soon, my sweet beauty, that there is nowhere you can run or hide where I won’t find you. You now belong to me, a price paid for betrayal.”



Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.

The Audrey Hepburn quote slipped into my mind as I watched her sleep, a woman I barely knew yet someone who’d captured my attention for all the wrong reasons.

My mother had always been a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn, enjoying the older movies more than anything recent. The quote was one I’d heard her say to my sisters, trying in her wise way to instill the concept of utilizing elegance in all aspects of their lives. The woman lying next to me was the epitome of grace and style without trying.

Whitney was beautiful, her face and body something all women would aspire to, men hungering for what she offered without trying. But it was her frankness and intelligence, her laugh sparking a thousand fires that had stripped away a portion of my need for revenge.

I hadn’t planned on enjoying the art of seduction, but with our engaging conversation at dinner alone, I’d found myself pulling back from my original idea.

That wasn’t like me in the least. I never second guessed myself. Now I was angry with her for easily doing so, still enraged what my sister had gone through. But more than that, my hunger wasn’t satisfied.

I had at least four days alone with her, more time than I’d ever spent with any woman. Stavros had called me insane, my brother never mincing words. While he knew better than to undermine my authority as the Don, he was quick to use his position as underboss to remind me that we needed time to plan a counterattack on the Armenians.

They would wait. However, they would pay a price for their betrayal.

I’d whispered something similar to the beauty in my bed as she’d drifted off to sleep. While I suspected she hadn’t heard me, that would make the game that much richer in quality. The thought was sinful and delicious. Did she know she’d been stalked by a killer? The anger remained just below the surface, but by fucking her, I’d relieved a significant portion of the rage.

At least Elena was on her way home, Gregory coming through with my demand that she be allowed to leave. I’d dispatched soldiers to watch over her vineyard, including the other employees she insisted she could trust. At least she could run her operations out of my father’s estate.

Every file regarding the corporation’s illegal operations had been wiped from Elena’s computer system, but the term ‘too little too late’ came to mind. Still, there would be nothing for the Armenians to get their slimy hands on. Fucking with Elena had been a shot across the bow and nothing else.

Or so I hoped.

I wasn’t in the mood to engage in a full-scale war. The various businesses had been running smoothly, profits soaring. Even a single battle would be disruptive to every aspect of operations.

Let alone the blood that would be spilled.

After grabbing my drink, I leaned against the wall that served as the headboard, allowing my mind to process everything that had occurred at the winery. My father used to tell me that cooler heads always prevailed. Considered the hothead of the family, the termvolvoi, Greek for Godfathers of the night suited me perfectly. As a kid, I’d been fascinated by the mythology around it, enjoying stories my father would share of the violence and bloodshed he witnessed while a young boy in Athens.

While serving his father as underboss, the family regime had proctored a collaboration with both the Armenians and Russians, cornering the illegal drug, oil, and arms markets for decades.

I would never have a collaboration with either syndicate. They were tainted, their bloodlines weakened, ruled by greed. So many didn’t understand family honor, loyalty to the death. They had no issue selling out their loved ones for a pretty penny, destroying families in the process.
