Page 18 of King of Malice

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My balls ached, my cock throbbing. I wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

“Uh. Uh… So hard. So…” Her voice was muffled, her body still shaking but for another reason entirely.

I couldn’t stop, plunging like a crazed man who’d been kept from the only pleasure in his life. My breathing labored, stars floated in front of my eyes for the first time in sharing passion with a woman. It struck me as odd, but when I was with Whitney, all things seemed possible. I gritted my teeth, trying to keep from erupting, but there was no way to hold back any longer.

As I dug my fingers into her flesh, I threw my head back, stifling a roar that would wake up the entire train. The moment I erupted deep inside her tight little ass, I knew that my intended purposes for her had changed.

I would get everything I wanted, including her full surrender.

But there was no turning back.

No man would ever touch her again.

She would soon learn what it meant to be the captive of a monster.



Foolish behavior.

I wasn’t used to letting go in such a… ridiculous fashion. I’d had a single one-night stand in my life and that had left me with a very bad taste in my mouth. The few ‘swipe rights’ I’d allowed myself to engage in had led to being sold several false bills of goods. Why did men think that by stealing a sexy photograph from a magazine that they’d ultimately get away with lying about who they were and what they looked like?

The worst offenders were the ones who used a dog in their photographs, hoping the warm fuzzies from the pictures would relate to at minimum a blowjob. After a single coffee that turned my blood to ice, I’d gotten wiser. Maybe that’s why they called me the ice queen. I didn’t take shit from anyone.

Now, this moment.




As the sun glimmered in through the oversized window, trees, and mountains in the distance, it felt like I’d awakened in a dream. My body ached from the rough night of passion and every time I shifted under the starched sheets, I was reminded of the harsh spanking. As I rolled over, I hadn’t expected to find Phoenix still in bed, although I’d remained in his room. He’d refused to allow me to leave, which had continued our moments of lust-filled passion until the wee hours of the morning.

He seemed peaceful, his chest rising and falling as if in a deep slumber. While I’d enjoyed basking in his magnificent physique, I hadn’t been allowed to explore his stunning tattoos. A sly smile crossed my face as I carefully lowered the sheet, exposing his carved chest, a hint of the deep V leading to his hips. I inched closer, doing everything I could to keep from waking him.

As the train rumbled over the tracks, the sunlight shimmering across his tanned skin, I lightly traced the beautiful rose on his upper arm, wondering if there was a girl’s name attached to the sentiment. I wouldn’t attempt to fool myself that this was anything other than a lust-fueled tryst that would end in a day, maybe two. I had no idea what city he was debarking, but I was determined to enjoy the time spent together.

Then I’d drive it out of my mind. I had to.

Daring to slide even closer, I darted my gaze at his closed eyes, marveling in his long dark lashes before rolling my finger around the scary-looking skull, the red eyes not nearly as disturbing at the spider legs shooting out from both sides. I couldn’t imagine why he’d adorned his body with something that had a direct correlation to evil. Every inch of him was a temptation into depravity and it wasn’t solely about his heated kisses or the way he’d pulled me into incredible moments of ecstasy. While one arm was a full sleeve, the other highlighted the rose and nothing else. The art was like the man, a depiction of contradiction.

Exhaling, I bit my lower lip to keep from moaning as I lowered the sheet a few inches further, exposing his hard cock. Wait. He had an erection in his sleep?

There was no advance warning before he tossed me onto my back, yanking my arm over my head and grinding his hips against mine.

The instant shock wasn’t from his actions but from the flames reignited from his searing touch. I was shocked that after our intense night together, his touch could still electrify my core to the point of becoming a firestorm. I was struck by how it almost stopped my heart from beating, the look in his eyes one of chaos and determination, a man hellbent on possessing me.

My God, he was darkly alluring, pulling me to the very edge of sanity.

“What was my beauty doing while I was sleeping?” he asked, his tone gravelly from sleep. His thick hair was tousled, in complete disarray, and I realized he had to be the sexiest man alive.


“That’s my job.” Phoenix rose onto his elbows, tilting his head.

My heart was thudding as hard and fast as the night before, my senses on overload. As he lowered his head, his musky scent floating through my system, I had the distinct feeling he was going to devour me. “What if I won’t allow it?”
