Page 26 of King of Malice

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I pondered his request, taking a few seconds to answer. “Whitney. Is Phoenix really your first name? It’s very unusual.”

“It is on both counts. My mother had a difficult birth, the doctors warning her that she could die in childbirth given her high blood pressure. She refused to terminate the pregnancy and had a small stroke during the cesarian section she was forced to have. My father said I’d risen from the ashes.”

“That’s… touching. Did your mother survive?” I could tell by the slight look of sadness in his eyes the story was true.

“Oh, yes. She had four additional children against all odds. She’s a truly formidable woman, the only one who could tame my father.”

Laughing, I realized how comfortable I was around him. “That’s a wonderful story.”

“Well, I often wonder how she tolerated five bratty kids. I assure you that strict rules were in order.”

“Ah. That’s why you’re a disciplinarian.”

He seemed to think about what I was saying, a wide smile crossing his face. “I never thought of it that way. Yes. You’re right. Now, what about your family?”

The question shouldn’t have caught me off guard, but it did. I looked toward one of the fountains, admiring the flowers floating in the water. “Sadly, there’s not much to tell. I don’t have any siblings and never knew my grandparents. They died when I was very young.”

“And your parents. Are they still happy and fighting in suburbia?”

“They’re both dead.” I didn’t try to sugarcoat it. Why bother?

“I am sorry, Whitney. It’s a terrible thing to go through life without anyone by your side.”

“I don’t need anyone, Phoenix. I’m not built that way.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You’d be surprised how having a very close family can help in times of crises.”

“I’m certain that’s true in some families. Just not mine.”

“Well, it appears your parents did an amazing job of raising you. You’re an incredible woman.”

While it seemed his words were heartfelt, they pulled at my anger once again. “I didn’t know my father and in truth, I couldn’t care less about him.” Just saying the words was painful, my memories of all the years I’d wanted nothing more than to spend time with him weighing heavily on my mind.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up a difficult subject.” When he reached over, brushing his finger across the top of my hand, I almost pulled away.

“Some of us are lucky to have a family we can depend on. My father wasn’t one of them. It’s a chapter now closed in my life, his recent death putting an end to wondering why he abandoned my mother soon after I was born. I refuse to dwell on what I didn’t have growing up, choosing instead to make a life I’m proud of. I’m glad you have a close family. I never will because now, I choose not to.”

He studied me intently then looked away. “Death is a necessary evil in life, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.”

“Death is often a result of bad decisions made. My father chose a life of greed instead of family in his search for happiness.”

“How sad, Whitney. Everyone deserves happiness but if destroying another person’s life is part of that decision, it should be weighed carefully against the consequences. There are so people who aren’t wired to value either human life or the responsibility of taking one.”

“As in playing God. It sounds like something you’re very familiar with.”

His laugh sounded hollow. “We’ve all made decisions we aren’t necessarily proud of.”

“That’s a very interesting choice of words, Phoenix. Is this because you’re a very bad man?”

He leaned forward so quickly and so close that I was taken off guard. As his hot breath trickled against my face, my heart fluttered. “I didn’t lie to you, Whitney. I am many things, but a liar isn’t one of them.”

The way he hovered a few centimeters away seemed a test of will. I longed for him to kiss me, capturing me in the essence that had captivated me for hours. After a few seconds he smiled again, issuing a low, husky growl before sitting back. His look remained powerful, more possessive than the night before. He’d been taunting me with his words, pushing my buttons like I’d pushed his.

All part of a very intricate game that kept me on edge.

Right where he wanted me.

“You deserve to be very happy, Whitney. I can tell you’re a special woman.”
