Page 31 of King of Malice

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“There will always be danger, Whitney.”

“Because of you?” she asked in a playful tone.


“I’ll keep that in mind. But since you’re planning on protecting me, I guess I don’t need to worry.”

As soon as I let go of her arms, she slid away, backing down the corridor. The twinkling micro lights captured her essence perfectly. Perhaps she was the one I should consider dangerous.

Instead of doing my job and tossing her aside. I had no plans on letting her go.



Sleeping with the enemy.

Odd sensations had prickled my skin since the passionate kiss in the hallway. I’d overheard enough of his conversation to know he was no typical businessman frustrated over a cancelled contract or issue with a disgruntled customer. He’d been furious to the point several people on the patio had turned their attention in his direction.

That left me hoping Elizabeth would confirm or deny my suspicions. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but Phoenix was lying to me. No, that wasn’t technically correct. He was using the terms of the agreement we made to hide behind his persona. Not only did I not like it, I had a bad feeling the accidental meeting had everything to do with my father.

As if the man was trying to ascertain if I knew who he was.

If that was the case, there was a possibility that Phoenix had ill intent in mind. As we waited for the cab, I realized my nerves were creeping to the surface. The last thing I needed to do was alarm him. After all, I had two more days of being on the same train with him. What if I didn’t get back on that train? What then?

“The cab should be here in a few minutes,” he said as he studied me. He’d been doing a lot of that since he’d found me outside the restaurant’s bathroom. He was worried I’d overheard something I wasn’t supposed to.

I looked around the busy street, trying to think of an excuse to make a call. What if I wasn’t right about this? My belongings including my laptop were on board. I could replace the clothes, but some pieces of jewelry were special to me. No, maybe the best thing to do was to talk to the conductor and arrange to get off at the next stop. Then what?

There was no perfect scenario, but I needed to give Elizabeth time before I jumped to conclusions. Maybe I could give her a quick call. “I’m going to run across the street to the drugstore. I need a couple things.”

“We’re running close on time,” Phoenix told me as he walked closer.

I checked my watch. He was right. “I’ll just be a second. I promise.”

“Okay. I’ll hold the cab.” He shoved his hands into his pockets as I moved to the crosswalk, waiting for the sign to change.

I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. By the time I reached the other side, my breathing was labored. If only I’d asked my father some questions. If only I hadn’t shut him down when he was trying to warn me. From what? I had no clue where he worked. I did know he was an accountant, but that told me nothing. However, I’d met Phoenix on a train that departed from Napa, the coincidence disconcerting. My mind was fuzzy but as soon as I walked in the door of the small store, I headed down one of the aisles.

As I dialed her number, I was afraid she wasn’t going to answer. When she did, I was relieved. “Please tell me you didn’t find anything horrible.”

She laughed. “You’re very impatient. No. Nothing has come up on him. That likely means he’s just an average Joe businessman who wanted a hot fling.”

“Did your friend run it through the big database that’s interconnected with all the various law enforcement agencies?”

“Girl, it won’t matter unless your guy has a record. But yes, he did. Nothing came up.”

Exhaling, I turned my head toward the street. “I guess I’m glad to hear that.” Was I? Or was I the kind of person always anticipating bad news? I was still tingling from the passionate kiss, the roughness he used exciting. Controlling.


Get a grip, Whitney. Enjoy yourself. There’s nothing wrong.

The knot in my stomach told me otherwise. If only I could put my finger on why.

“Are you okay?” she asked, the tension remaining in her tone.

“Yes, I’m fine. I wanted to make certain he was on the up and up.”
