Page 41 of King of Malice

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“Leave me alone.”

“Answer me. Are you hurt?”

“I don’t think so. Shaken.”

“Okay. We’re getting out of here one way or the other.” I shoved a pile of debris from my legs, twisting until I could move to a sitting position. The side of the car was an open hole. As I peered outside, the realization of what we were facing came into view. Emergency lights had popped on, highlighting the carnage. Train cars were lying in a serpentine formation, fires erupting in several. I had one way of knowing if there were additional bombs, but I couldn’t wait around to see. I had to get us the fuck out of here before Zakaryan’s soldiers showed up. When I started to stand, Whitney reached out.

“Wait. Don’t go.”

“I’m not going anywhere just yet and certainly not without you. We’re okay but you’ll need to follow my directions to the letter. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” I eased her into my arms, moving to a standing position. “Do you?”

She pushed against me at first then the extent of the wreck captured her attention. “Yes, I understand. Who did this? Let me guess, someone who wants you dead. I don’t blame them.”

Her change in personality was almost more arousing than the girl who craved my firm hand. I was a twisted man to be thinking about devouring her during a crisis.

“Like I said, beauty. I have several enemies and you’re right. They want nothing more than to bite off my head. However, if they manage to do so, there won’t be anyone to protect you.”

“Ha. You’re going to protect me?” Her gaze was imploring.

“Yes, beauty. But only if you do exactly as I say. Now, we need to go before they have another meet and greet. Somehow, I doubt the outcome will turn out the way you want it to.”

“You’re crazy and stop calling me that.”

“You can tell me exactly what you want me to call you later,” I told her as I made certain my weapon was still in position. “Besides, I’m several things including ruthless, but you’ve already figured that out. The only thing you need to know about me is that I can and will get us out of this shitstorm.” I peered out the broken window, hissing at the sight of the carnage. Her eyes were open wide, scratches on her lovely face. I wanted to slaughter the pigs for putting her in harm’s way.

I would soon enough.

We were far enough away from St. Louis that backtracking would be dangerous, but at this point there was no other choice. I had to get us somewhere safe to allow Constantine and his men to arrive.

“Fuck,” I snarled, and my exclamation seemed to amuse her.

“Caught off guard?”

“Hmm… You could say that.”

Her laugh was irritating. “I have a way of doing that.”

The fact she could still be defiant sparked something deep inside of me. I’d sensed she was close to figuring out my intentions were damning. The timing couldn’t be any worse.

When the train rattled again, I felt a rush of heat. The fire was getting closer, smoke billowing into the air. Several passengers were wailing, the ugly sound penetrating the car. Whitney shivered as she darted her eyes outside the window. “This is horrible.”

“It’s only going to get worse. I’m climbing out first. You’re going to jump into my arms.”

“To hell with you.” She coughed, doing everything she could to back away.

“Don’t fight me on this. The bastard who derailed this train set explosives meant to kill us, Whitney. They will try again. The longer we stay where we are, the more likely they are to succeed. You need to get it through that lovely head of yours that I’m your only hope of survival at this point.”

“Then what?” she snapped, getting in my face.

I snapped my hand around her neck, rolling my thumb back and forth across her skin. As I lowered my head, she pursed her lips, keeping her defenses tightly woven around herself. “Then you and I will get a chance to spend some quality time together.”

“Fuck you.”

At least her rebellious attitude made me laugh. “You already have.”

She groaned in disgust as I used the sleeve of my jacket, raking shards of glass from the frame. Then I hoisted myself onto the space, darting my head outside. I heard sirens in the distance, which was good. We needed the interference to keep the jackals off our heels. The fact we were in territory I didn’t know weighed on my mind, but I had no other choice but to jump in order to get us to safety.

Whitney peered out the window and I had the distinct feeling she wanted to try to escape me.
