Page 43 of King of Malice

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“I’ll text when we’re close,” he said.

“I’ll be on the lookout.” I ended the call, glancing from one side of the street to the other. “That cavalry is on the way, but we have some time to wait,omorfiá.”

She took several ragged breaths. “Here?”

“It’s the safest place right now. I’ll say it again. The sooner you trust me, the better off you’ll be.”

To make matters that much more difficult, a storm was brewing. As the first flash of lightning lit up the night sky, I was able to catch a better glimpse of Whitney’s face, eyes that drilled into mine.




And even worse, hurt from the amount of betrayal I’d issued. Once again, there was no reason for me to care but I did. She didn’t flinch with a dose of Mother Nature’s fireworks until the rumble of thunder vibrated the ground beneath us. Then I sensed for a few seconds she’d though about seeking my arms as comfort.

A safety net.

Then she’d remembered I was a venomous snake.

“Trust you? You’re out of your mind.”

“You don’t have anyone else in your corner. Do you?” I cut her off before she had a chance to retort, giving her a stern look.

The expression on her face was smug.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Whitney, but I will if necessary. You’re going to be a very good girl and stay right behind me. We’re not out of danger yet.”

“Why, yes, sir.”

“I’m not fucking with you on this.” I pulled her closer, keeping my hand wrapped around her arm. “Understood?”

She seemed to sense I was close to the edge, losing what was left of my patience. “Yes.”

“Good girl.”

After scoping the area again, I noticed a small, closed bakery. That would need to do. I dragged her across the street, keeping my fingers wrapped around my weapon. I headed around to the back of the building, finding the rear exit. “Stay right here.”

I pushed her aside, yanking the switchblade I always kept into my hand. As soon as I started to pick the lock, she laughed.

“You break into buildings on top of kidnapping and murdering people?”

“I do what’s necessary and right now, we’re out of options.” Fortunately, the lock was old, giving way almost immediately. I only hoped there wasn’t a silent alarm. As I opened the door, I listened for any signs of people or other trouble before pulling her inside, pitching us into blackness as I closed the door.

Whitney’s breathing was labored but she remained in the same place until I managed to find a switch on the wall, bathing the back room in ugly fluorescent light.

“Stay right there.” I moved through the location, including the office in my check for cameras or alarms. Seeing none I returned to the kitchen, finding her in the same spot.

Thirty minutes might not seem long, but Zakaryan’s men would need less to make another assassination attempt. Depending on how many soldiers had been sent to handle the job, they’d comb every inch of the streets in search of us.

“Come on. You need to sit down,” I told her.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine, Whitney. You were limping.”

“So what. I’ll be dead soon. Who cares?”
