Page 60 of King of Malice

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“We should get down to business,” I finally said, interrupting my brothers’ banter.

“Not until your mother can give you a hug.” As my mother rushed toward me, a strange sense of family crept into my system. We had been close over the years, but not nearly as much since Pops’ retirement. The three brothers were entirely different, each set in our ways. With no grandchildren, the cement holding us together had been fractured.

She flung her arms around me, and I could feel her tears against my cheek. She’d always been emotional.

“I’m fine, Mama.”

“You almost died in the horrific crash. Have you seen the news? It’s terrible.”

“I’m fine. I’m a big boy and can take care of myself,” I told her as she gripped my face.

“Trust me, Ma. He can,” Stavros chimed in, his boisterous laugh a usual irritant.

“I heard you were with a woman. Yes? When can I expect grandchildren?” My mother’s question was met with muffled laughter.

I glared at Stavros who’d removed his sunglasses, his glare full of his usual rivalry. While there was amusement in his chortle, there was a stark coldness in his eyes. “Someone necessary to help solve a riddle, nothing more.”

“You aren’t getting any younger, my boy. Neither are your father and me. One of my children needs to get married.” She looked around the group as Alexandra and Elena floated into the room, both appearing as if they’d just left a fashion magazine.

“Not me,” Alexandra quipped as she flopped down in a seat, a glass of wine in her hand.

Elena moved closer, waiting until Mama let me go before inching toward me. But not before I noticed the look she exchanged with Jonas. “I know what you’re trying to do by forcing me here, but I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can. But it’s my job to make certain you’re protected,” I countered.

“You mean well, big brother, but you’re a pain in the ass.”

“Elena!” Mother chastised.

Everyone laughed while I pulled my thoughts to Zakaryan. I sensed the ticking timebomb inside my head.

“I’m not a child, Mama. I have my own life several thousand miles away from here. Have you heard from Mr. Watson? I need my life back.” Elena was far too headstrong.

“The police don’t have anything,” I told her.

“Because there is nothing,” Stavros jumped in.

“The fuckers need to die,” Nico snorted, powering down his drink.

“Take it easy,” Pops said, cutting the anger short.

Elena folded her arms. “Is it true you have Theodore’s daughter staying with you?”

Now I wanted to jab a knife into my brother’s gut. He’d taken it upon himself to act as if he had a right to interfere with my life. “Yes, I brought her here.”


My sister also never minced words. “She had nothing to do with her father.”

“Then what are you doing with her?”

“Gathering information. Whitney’s father contacted her and may have sent documentation that could exonerate you.”

“You mean the items he stole from me. I need to talk to her. Now!” Elena’s fire reminded me of Whitney’s. While my sister had a way of smiling while driving a dagger into someone’s heart, Whitney could certainly hold her own. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea.

“That can be arranged.”

Her eyes opened wide, not expecting I’d agree. “I… Good. Then maybe I’ll get something from her.”
