Page 62 of King of Malice

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“Why the sudden interest?” I asked him.

Stavros’ eyes flashed, still obviously in the mood to challenge me. “Perhaps because Nico realizes when you self-destruct, he’ll have a place on the king’s throne.”

I reacted without thinking, wrapping my hand around his throat and slamming him against the wall. Nico jerked back, shocked that I’d attacked my own brother, something I’d never done before. However, the man deserved it. “Don’t you ever challenge me again. While you’ve been parading around like bachelor of the year, sinking your dick into every blonde in the city, I’ve been busy building an empire.”

“Fuck you,” Stavros hissed.

“That’s enough!” Pops snapped, clamoring to his feet. “I will not have my two sons fighting.”

The grin on Stavros’ face indicated he’d gotten the reaction he’d wanted. When I started to let go, the single whispered word in Greek changed my mind.

“Ittiménos.” Loser.

I lost it alright, issuing two hard punches in succession, splitting his lip in two. Only then did I release my hold, backing away then heading for the door. I stopped near the entrance to the kitchen, not because my mother and sisters were watching me, shock on their faces. But because I was finished with my brother’s disrespect.

Turning slowly, I leveled a hard, cold stare of my own before issuing the mandate. “Nico. You’re with me tonight. Stavros. You’re out. Not just for this event but period. You’re no longer underboss. Go find a life.”




The hard slam jarred me from the quiet moment, an instant rush of fear creeping through every vein. When someone stormed through the house, I slowly eased from the sofa, padding toward the hallway. I was forced to remind myself if anyone had believed they could get through the soldiers guarding the property or the cameras that undoubtedly notified Phoenix of any breach, they were fools.

He’d left me alone the night before, but I’d seen him lurking in the shadows, showing signs of his predatory nature. Although his dark eyes had found me several times, he’d never said a word. But neither had I. I had no way of knowing if he’d been testing me, pushing my resolve, or punishing me for shoving him away.

It was something half of me had regretted.

He hadn’t suggested dinner. It had just appeared, the spectacular kitchen something any cook would die to work in. He had a staff of people who came and went, never speaking. I felt like I was in a dollhouse, pretending to be the lady of the house. But I wasn’t. I had no clue what I was other than an obsession to a man who could have anything he wanted.

I’d awakened all alone, which had been another surprise. I’d expected him to make good on his promise that I belonged to him, coming to me in the middle of the night. I’d found him moments before he’d left without telling me where he was going.

The silent treatment had continued but his eyes couldn’t hide the hunger or the man’s predatory stance. I’d walked outside, watching as he climbed into a stunning sleek black Ferrari, gunning the engine as soon as he’d turned it over. As he’d left, he’d turned his head in my direction.

A wave of undeniable heat had shot through me, enflaming my blood and leaving the pulse on the side of my neck jumping irregularly.

After that, I’d felt lonely.

Just like the man I was determined to hate.

The one I couldn’t stop thinking about.

I found myself walking down the hallway in search of the person who’d entered. It had to be Phoenix. He’d returned after a partial day at the office. I almost laughed at the sentiment. I couldn’t see him sitting behind a desk, signing contracts, or preparing a marketing campaign. He was all brute strength and animalistic need contained in an expensive suit and suave demeanor.

That categorized him perfectly.

Then again, so many things did.

As I headed toward the kitchen, I heard raucous noise. It sounded like someone was having a temper tantrum. When I moved into the doorway, I sensed whatever he’d gone through was tearing at a part of him.

He’d grabbed a beer from the fridge, knocking a pint of strawberries and a package of cheese onto the floor in the process. He’d also left the refrigerator door open. Now he was standing with one palm planted on the kitchen island, using the other to guzzle beer.

I quietly moved into the room, my bare feet keeping my presence unknown for a few precious seconds. He was obviously distraught, cursing in Greek. He’d torn off his jacket, pitching it across the kitchen table, his weapon in plain view. He was seething from rage, his jaw so clenched the sharp edges could chisel stone.

What in the hell had he done?

He was a beautiful disaster waiting to happen, a man considered corrupt, but I’d seen the goodness inside of him. I’d experienced the gentle man who would live or die by his honor. He was the man I craved, the one I hadn’t been able to get out of my mind.
