Page 66 of King of Malice

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I rose onto my hands, freeing her wrists. She tossed her head to the side as she pushed hard against me, managing to meet every brutal thrust.

The feel of her body molding against mine pulled at the hunger until it was spiraling out of control. Every muscle was tense, the need pushing at my resolve. As she thrashed her arms across the counter, spilling papers and other items onto the floor, I heard her subtle laugh.

She enjoyed our rough encounters as much as I did.

“Yes. Yes.”

Her murmurs only fueled the fire until I couldn’t hold back any longer. “Come with me. Come.”

Panting, she twisted her head, pushing hard against the counter, bucking to the point the friction became too much to take. I wrapped my hand around her hair, yanking her off the granite, sinking my teeth into her neck.

As we both climaxed, every sound she made enticed the beast. The moment I erupted deep inside, I threw my head back, the husky roar filling the room. My entire body spasmed, shaking violently as I filled her with my seed, beads of sweat trickling down over her shoulders. We were both out of breath, her laughter tingling my senses.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her against me until our breathing slowed. As I brushed my fingertips down her arm, she shuddered against me. The moment was intense, an understanding forming between us.

We were toxic yet incapable of being apart.

God help us both.



Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

The Khalil Gibran quote came to mind out of nowhere, but the reason was clear. Whitney was the light to my darkness, a fusion of electricity that held no time or space. She was the tether that kept me from damnation, although even her goodness couldn’t protect me from the brutal sins I’d already committed. Yet through her eyes, everything was beautiful, fresh, and new.

She was unabashed about her desire, her needs simple yet deep at the same time. Perhaps she understood what she did to me, or maybe she was as out of control as I’d become. Either way, watching her as she performed a single task enlightened my world.

“What are you staring at?” Whitney asked as I leaned against the refrigerator, sipping on a bourbon. She remained sitting on the edge of the island, kicking her long legs as she nibbled on one of the bruised apples. I could watch her for hours, my gaze lingering on the trickle of juice dripping past her luscious lips.

“A woman who has no clue how important she’s become.” It was a true statement, perhaps the most honest I’d been with her since our arranged meeting.

“For information?”

Chuckling, I took another swig before answering. “For everything.”

Her eyes lit up, the compliment creating an interesting reaction, crimson blooming on her cheeks. “You have everything that anyone could ever want.”

“My rebellious woman. Everything but someone special.”

“Come on. You’ve had plenty of women in your life. Don’t lie to me.”

“Some,” I told her as I moved closer, shifting between her legs. “Only one who mattered.”

“Tell me something juicy. I won’t share it with anyone.” She laughed and it was as if the sun was suddenly shining in the room.

“She was someone I cared for. Then it was over.”

Scrunching her eyes, she shook her head. “No, you don’t. That’s no fair. If she was important to you then she was a magnificent woman. Right?”

Nodding, I glanced away, the memory one I’d done everything to avoid. “She was.” I polished off my drink, putting the glass in the sink.

“Maybe one day you’ll trust me enough to tell me what happened.”

“It’s not about trust, Whitney. It’s about avoidance, something I’ve become very good at. But not tonight. I have a job to do.”

“A job?”
