Page 68 of King of Malice

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“Two in case. They’re already in position.”

“We’ll need to move as efficiently as possible. And remember, no innocent casualties. Do whatever it takes to preclude that from happening.”

“What if a mistake is made?” Nico piped in.

“I’ll deal with it.” My father had made certain high-ranking leaders within the police department were under his thumb years before. The situation could get messy but could also be kept out of the press. Zakaryan also wouldn’t want any notoriety that his world had gone under attack, his reputation already taking a significant hit. The loss of credibility after our success should bring out the vultures skimming for crumbs. He’d have enough to deal with for an extended timeframe to bother attempting any retaliation.

Or so I hoped.

As everything positioned themselves in the vehicles, I pulled out a fresh magazine, slapping it into my weapon. I hoped to be in and out in fifteen minutes, but I also knew best laid plans were often a challenge.

However, I had someone I needed to get back home to. The thought was as riveting as it was terrifying.

But Whitney was the reason I wanted to live.

The drive was in silence, the restaurant on the far end of town. I sensed Nico’s nervousness, but also a level of determination I hadn’t experienced from him over the years. The kid who’d wanted to be a musician, then a movie star. Anything but accepting his place in the Diamondis ranks. He’d make a fine attorney, an even better consigliere.

Tonight would be a test, one we both needed.

“Five minutes,” Jonas said after a few minutes.

“Jonas, take a team and go through the back. Nico, you and I will take another team in through the front. There are no other entrances.”

While only some of Zakaryan’s men were known, very few photographs taken, everything I had on them had been distributed to the soldiers before their arrival. They were easy to spot given the ink of loyalty on their hands. The night should prove interesting.

The SUVs were parked across the street and away from any windows in the restaurant. The place was crowded for a Wednesday night, which could make for additional complications. I gritted my teeth as I climbed out, scanning the street for police cars or Armenian soldiers taking a smoke. We advanced quickly, the darkness as well as the required military training kicking in. My soldiers knew exactly what to do. They were the best in the business.

I waited until Jonas had time to take the group of men around back before entering. No one paid any attention as we dispersed inside, moving to both sides to the restaurant. Then my eyes caught those of a hostess, fear immediately shooting through her. I nodded to the back and there was no hesitation. She scrambled away, accidentally knocking over a tray of dishes.

What surprised me was there weren’t nearly as many people inside as the cars had led me to believe.

However, there were at least fifteen soldiers, more than I’d anticipated.


That’s when all hell broke loose.

Armenian soldiers jerked to their feet, immediately reaching for their weapons. Our moment of surprise wasn’t exactly as I’d anticipated. Something told me they’d been warned, prepared for a battle given the number of soldiers inside and the lack of genuine customers. As four men rushed toward me, their weapons raised, I was forced to react quickly.

I fired off several shots, two dropping to the floor immediately. Screams broke out in the building, people scrambling to get to safety. Chaos ensued, tables knocked over, gunfire popping from every location in the restaurant.

One of my men was shot, tumbling onto the floor in front of me. Anger popped into every cell, a rage that could become uncontrollable. A pinging sound was close, the bullet barely missing me. They were out for blood.

My blood.

I moved stealthily through the crowd, pushing some out of the way to get a clean shot. When a soldier jumped in my face, ready to pull the trigger, I slammed my weapon against the side of his head, toppling him to the floor. There was no time to second guess decisions. I fired off two shots in rapid succession, killing him instantly.

The hard thuds and shouts continued as I moved deeper into the heart of the location. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, Armenian soldiers coming from every direction, but within minutes, the roar of terror began to fade, an ugly silence sweeping through the location.

I took a deep breath, turning in a complete circle, nodding to Jonas who stood over his recent kill.

Where the hell had Nico gone?

I’d been trained by the best, every action taken methodical. As I moved to the back, I noticed my brother standing over an enemy who was still alive, pleading for his life.

“Do it,” I commanded.

My brother made the mistake of turning his head in my direction, the Armenian sensing his single opportunity. I rushed forward, leveling several shots into the man.
