Page 7 of King of Malice

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Then he chuckled, a deep rumble soaring through me as he nodded to the seat across the table from me. “I don’t mean to interfere, but it would seem the diner car is full this evening. I was wondering if I could join you for a drink? That is unless your husband will attempt to tear my head off.”

I lifted my left hand, moving my fingers, my other gripping the iPad with white-knuckled force. I wasn’t certain why I allowed a perfect stranger to know I was unmarried. Maybe because with my father’s death, I suddenly realized I was all alone in the world. I had a few amazing friends, most of whom were either married or had a partner in their lives, but only one I considered close. I hadn’t been on a date in over a year, my career taking precedence over everything else.

Including passion.

While I already knew the car was crammed full, I swept my eyes from one side to the other, refusing to allow him to sense I’d been watching. The action made me feel silly, slightly giddy inside.

“Please. Feel free,” I said, purposely keeping all inflections from my voice.

As he unbuttoned his jacket, I noticed he scanned the entire train car, as if ascertaining if anyone would challenge him. I’d been right in that he had a commanding way about him that demanded full attention. While I’d never been prone to fantasies about men in general, with his rugged good looks and muscular physique, I could easily entertain lurid visions. It would be magnificent to gaze upon his naked, sculpted body.

I lifted my glass of wine, doing my best to keep from uttering a mindless sound that he’d mistake for a moan.

“A lovely woman such as yourself should never enjoy a glass of wine alone.”

“Often the taste is enhanced by the lack of useless banter.”

His amusement was heightened but he wasn’t offput in the least at my backhanded criticism. Perhaps I’d spent too much time alone.

As he sat down, I took a few seconds to study him. He was well dressed, his dark gray trousers accentuating long, muscular legs. He wore a black shirt, the fabric and fit indicating it had been tailored for him specifically. On his wrist he wore an Italian watch, one that cost more than my first home. He was unreasonably desirable, his expensive attire unable to hide arms and legs that were undoubtedly carved to perfection. While he could easily pass as a model with his thick, curly hair, he was rugged like an athlete, enough so that a single gaze took my breath away. There was also a sense of danger about him, his squared-off jaw as sharp as his cheekbones accentuating his persona.

While there wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t attractive, his eyes drew me in, smoky and deep green like fresh moss in the spring. Gold flecks surrounded his irises, the accent adding to his dark and dangerous allure. I’d always had a thing for bad boys, but I had a feeling he used the power of a weapon instead of his hands when inflicting pain. If I had to guess, I’d say he was used to getting what he wanted at all times, accepting nothing less than the best. I’d also bet a significant amount of money on the notion that he had no difficulties using violence if necessary.

“You look at me as if dissecting every inch,” he said casually before lifting the bottle of wine I’d selected. When I noticed a look of surprise, I pushed the second wineglass closer.

“It’s a habit of mine. I apologize if I offended you.”

“Nonsense,” he said as he poured a glass for himself. “It’s rare that a woman gives me anything more than a second glance. I feel honored.”

Laughing, I looked out the window, shaking my head. He was also self-absorbed and arrogant. Perhaps he’d make for a pleasant single conversation before I tossed him aside.

“I’m curious. What do you find so funny?”

I couldn’t quite place his accent, although it was subtle. “Please don’t insult my intelligence. You know without a doubt that you’re extremely good looking.”

“Do I now?” His eyes twinkled in defiance.

As soon as I cocked my head, he lifted his glass in acquiescence. “Look around you. There isn’t a single woman who hasn’t glanced in our table’s direction at least twice, their heated gazes confirming what I just said. I also happen to be a mind reader. If you could hear the filthy thoughts they’re thinking, even you might blush.”

“And what are they thinking?” he asked as he leaned further across the small table, close enough I gathered a whiff of his sandalwood and citrus cologne, an impossibly sensual aroma that ignited my core.

“They’ve already compared you to the alpha bad boy in the romance they read late into the night, hoping when they awaken, the man lying next to them will look just like you.”

“Touché,” he said quietly, amusement forming across his strong jaw. “Perhaps we have something in common.”

“And what would that be?”

“I happen to be a mind reader as well. You’re thinking that an arrogant, wealthy asshole decided on his dessert before ordering dinner.”

I lifted my glass in response, almost bursting into laughter. “Touché as well.”

His attention dipped to my lips then to the piece of electronics in my hand. When he tugged the iPad from my fingers, I didn’t attempt to stop him. That wasn’t like my personality at all. However, I was curious as to what he’d do.

The sense of amusement filled the void between us.

“As he lifted my legs, pressing them against the sheets, my mind was thrown into a world of fantasy. With every swipe of his tongue, my pussy muscles clenched, anticipation of the first thrust of his long, thick cock tingling every inch of skin.” There was no embarrassment on his part from reading the passage out loud. I was certain at least two other tables were listening intently. That made the moment sinful.

The deep rumble of his voice as he read the short passage kept me in a blissful awe. But when he lifted his eyes to mine, it was as if he’d pierced my soul, trapping the filthy fantasies that had kept me awake at night. His breathing labored, he slowly returned the iPad in front of me.
