Page 70 of King of Malice

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My father lifted his head, a moment of pride filtering into his eyes. “I taught all of you well. We protect our own against every odd, every enemy. Never forget that. Disagreements can occur, and anger is allowed, but in this family, there will be acceptance.” He shifted his gaze from me to Stavros. On this night, the horror of possibly losing a son had him clearheaded, his love obvious in his words and the emotion covering his aging face.

And at that moment, for the first time in my life, I was ashamed.

I backed against the wall, shoving my hands into my pockets. Nico had lost a lot of blood but had remained conscious during the ride to the hospital. I’d seen a look of pride in him as well the moment he’d saved my life, as if proving himself to me.

The kid had a lot to learn, but I would be his mentor.

Or I’d wish him well on whatever endeavor he chose. He deserved to live the life he desired.

And so did I.

As Stavros continued to pace the corridor, grumbling under his breath, my sisters flanked my side. Even though they’d always been shut out of the harshest part of our business, they knew exactly what I was going through.

“Tell me about Whitney,” Alexandra prompted. I was surprised she had any interest. Elena bristled and looked away, but she’d soon learn that Whitney was just as formidable.

“She’s completely different than anyone I’ve ever met. Feisty, hardheaded. She refuses to follow my rules, even if it means putting herself in danger. She’s intelligent and witty, and she has a light surrounding her that no darkness can shadow, including my own.”

“You’re in love with her,” Elena said matter-of-factly, throwing me a confused look.

“She’s perfect for you. Someone who can keep you on your toes,” Alexandra said, half laughing as she squeezed my arm. She was another dreamer, a girl hoping to find her Prince Charming in a sea of monsters and toads.

“Against everything that I’ve ever learned, I am.” The admittance wasn’t as difficult as I’d assumed it would be. A slight smile crossed my face, the need to see her, touch her, be with her stronger than before.

“It’s time for you to be happy, son. I’m proud of you for letting go of the demons.” My mother seemed genuinely happy, her smile a clear indication.

Meanwhile, my father had narrowed his eyes, studying me as if I was the same kid standing in his office. I’d made a declaration that I was ready to be his righthand man. Instead of laughing or pushing me away, he sat me down in front of the fireplace, explaining that once I committed to being a part of the regime, there was no turning back. He’d told me later that he’d been worried I’d lose my childhood too soon, becoming so hardened that I’d never enjoy my life.

He’d been right.

As usual.

He took purposeful steps closer, nodding several times. “Then you should get married.”

I had to smile amidst the near tragedy. “You think so, huh?”

“Yes. I need a grandchild and you need an heir.”

It was as if he’d decided, the choice no longer mine. How many times before would I have argued with him, telling him in no uncertain terms that it was my life, and he had no right to try to tell me what to do?

I didn’t have enough fingers.

But everything about tonight was different; his proclamation giving his approval had meant more to me than I’d realized. I closed my eyes, envisioning Whitney’s face, her tempting lips and voluptuous body.

She meant everything to me. I wasn’t going to lose her.

Under any circumstances.

“I’ll take that under advisement, Pops,” I told him.

He patted me on the arm. “You’re a good boy. Maybe two grandchildren. A boy and a girl.”

“That would be fabulous,” Mama added.

Elena rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess that takes the heat off me. Although I do have my eye on a man, a very special man.” While she didn’t mention Jonas, I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she wanted my approval.

“Enjoy your life, Elena. It’s far too short.”

I could tell she hadn’t expected me to agree. In an unexpected move, she closed the distance, kissing me on the cheek. “Nico will be fine. He’s just like you. Resilient, committed, and so strong. I love you, brother.”
