Page 97 of King of Malice

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“Who did you call?” he asked, grabbing the cellphone himself.

“My friend. I thought of someplace the package might be.”

He stared at the screen, his jaw clenching. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t have the chance, but I was going to.” I expected a burst of anger, but he walked closer, holding out the phone.

“Answer it.”

Nodding, I did so without hesitation. “Elizabeth.”

“You were right,” she said, the tremor in her voice disturbing.

“What’s wrong?”

“There were two big guys hanging out near the building. I went to your condo and the door was open. It was trashed.”

“Shit.” I glanced at Phoenix. “Did they see you?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m outside a library. I didn’t know where to go. I just… It’s a large envelope. Do you want me to open it?”

“No. Keep it. Find somewhere safe to go. I’ll call you.”

“I’m scared. Those guys were menacing,” Elizabeth said softly.

“Just stay safe. Okay? Promise me you won’t go to work or back to your place.”

Elizabeth sighed. “Are you coming home?”

Home. I’d yet to tell her I wasn’t certain I’d ever come back to Miami. “I don’t know. I promise I’ll call you.”

“Okay. This is crazy. You need to go to the police.”

“Trust me. I’m fine,” I told her, although my stomach was doing flip-flops. Had I put her life in danger? What was wrong with me? Phoenix was right. This wasn’t a game at all.

Oh, God.

“The library will be closing in a couple hours. I’ll wait here until then. Maybe I’ll go to my sister’s house. Just stay safe, Whitney. This isn’t like you at all not to tell me what’s going on.”

“I will.” She was right, my behavior was entirely different than it had been my whole life.

“What. The. Hell?” he snarled.

When I ended the call, I closed my eyes briefly. “They know who I am, that I’m Theodore’s daughter. I’m certain of it. Don’t they?” I heard the challenge in my voice and stared at him, uncertain what to expect.

He moved closer, lifting his eyebrows. “Why do I feel like you’ve gotten yourself involved in something you shouldn’t have?”

“Just answer me.”

“I will assume your father was also targeted. If he’d sold his soul to another organization, he was a fool. Loose ends aren’t allowed.”

“You think my father was murdered.”

“It’s entirely possible.”
