Page 104 of Required Surrender

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I’d never seen such emotion on the man’s face, Lachlan’s breathing ragged as he tried to process that he’d saved me.

“Come on, buddy. Let me take him in. Okay?” the detective pressed. “Give me the gun. He’s not going anywhere.” He held out his hand, nodding in encouragement.

Lachlan shifted his attention in my direction, a slight smile crossing his face. The seconds ticked by as he made his choice. Then he pulled away, handing the weapon to the detective, barreling toward me. When he wrapped his arms around me, I finally allowed myself to become emotional, tears streaming down my face.

“God, I almost lost you. Oh, baby. I’m so sorry. I’m so… sorry.” He cupped my face, easing me away so he could look into my eyes. “God, I love you.”

“You saved me.” I clutched his shirt, still gasping for air, the heaviness in my heart just as suffocating as what Jeffrey had done.

“I’m taking her out of here. Don’t fucking try and stop me,” Lachlan told Detective Barker.

As the detective glanced from one to the other of us, he shook his head. “You played a dangerous game.”

“Yeah? Because it was necessary,” Lachlan barked.

“What about the information you promised me?”

Lachlan huffed and Jameson took over. “You’ll have it but not right now. We are taking Ms. Winston to receive medical attention then home where she belongs. You have everything you need.”

The detective threw his look from Jameson back to me. “Very well, but you’ll need to come to the station first thing in the morning to answer questions. And I’ll have a hell of a lot of them. Bring the information with you or so help me God, I’ll put all three of you behind bars.”

“I’ll need my weapon back, Detective,” Lachlan snarled in return.

“Right now, it’s being booked as evidence.”

“I’ll grab her things,” Jameson said, his tone as enraged as Lachlan’s.

As Lachlan led me from the room, I took another glance at Jeffrey. If only I’d followed my instincts, then maybe none of this would have happened.

“I almost lost you,” Lachlan whispered once we were in the hallway. He cupped my face gently, his eyes darting back and forth.

“You didn’t,” I struggled to say, the ache in my throat intense. “You saved me.”

“Not soon enough, baby. Something like that will never happen again. Never.”

As he pressed his lips against mine, the same swell of emotion I always felt when in his presence became the warm blanket I needed.

“I know.” I closed my eyes, finally able to feel relief.

And love.

Protectors came in all sizes and shapes, often unsung heroes never seen or heard. I’d found my perfect hero, a man ready to die to keep me safe.

My friend.

My lover.

My master.



“Christ,” Jameson said as he flanked my side staring at the television. Barely forty-eight hours later and the entire town was in chaos.

“Unbelievable.” While I’d had little time to delve entirely into the documentation Davidson had sent via courier, the ripple effect throughout the city and beyond was incomprehensible. There’d been at least a dozen arrests made with more anticipated, all of them making national news. From leaders of major corporations to judges, members of Congress and law enforcement, the underground society was farther reaching than I’d previously suspected.

They’d made the arrests so quickly that I knew the underground organization had been under scrutiny for some time, although the detective had refused to corroborate my theory.
