Page 19 of Required Surrender

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This was bad. Oh, so very bad.

“You’ve never been disciplined before.” He said the words calmly, tenderly, as if he really cared about my answer.

“No.” If my teeth were gritted any more than they were, I’d break several during the wretched experience. When he tapped my bottom, I cringed. “No, sir.”

“That doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you. This isn’t play time, Lark.”

Was there a difference?

He lifted the hem of my dress and a wave of embarrassment rushed up from the depths of my being, destroying my self-confidence. I’d never felt so vulnerable in my life, my ridiculous behavior the entire day completely out of character. When he brushed his fingers across my naked skin, I twisted my body, the shame killing me.

“Remain in position.”

Did he not hear me before? I had no clue what to expect, panic gripping me. I must have a screw loose to have challenged him, but there was no other recourse now but to get through this.

Eyes on the prize. Right?

Whoever had come up with that saying was a total idiot.

He continued rubbing one side of my bottom then the other, but I could swear he was plotting where the belt was going to land.


But the tingling I felt from his intimate actions was the absolute worst part.

The moment he stepped back, breaking the connection, an involuntary moan slipped past my lips.

He didn’t waste any time, bringing the belt down not once but twice. The shock of the impact hit me like a ton of bricks, driving me up from the desk. Almost immediately, I was reminded about his requirement to remain in position when he cracked his palm against my backside six times. How could the pain be worse than when he used the strap?

Confusion rolled through me until his wrist snapped and I was tossed into blinding agony, the kind that stole my breath, my mind reeling into a surreal state.

It had to or there was no way I could take this.

Panting, I threw one arm out, accidentally tossing several items from his desk onto the floor. Something cracked when it hit with a hard thud. I heard his soft guttural sounds and winced. I had a feeling he’d take it out on my backside.

Why was I aroused at the thought?

The ugliness of the truth hit me hard, completely like the fantasy. There was no possibility that I craved pain. None.

But here I was, wet and hot all over.

He continued the spanking, every swing of his arm methodical, so practiced he had a perfect rhythm. I bit my lower lip to keep from whimpering, blinking the second tears dared to form in my eyes. Hell, no. I wasn’t going to show any weakness even if I doubted that I could sit for a week.

Panting, I bent one knee, his hand immediately bringing it back into position. He rolled his fingers up the back of my thigh, gently caressed my bottom. My skin was on fire and I could only imagine the color. Crimson with stripes.

Was that in fashion today?

Now I knew I was nuts.

I found it strange that the anguish had started to fade away, my skin still on fire but the flames were coming from my core. Was this what euphoria felt like?

Hell, no.

Not a chance.


Lachlan took the time to pull my legs apart and I wanted nothing more than to cinch them shut. And why? Because I knew he could see how excited I was.
