Page 26 of Required Surrender

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“It’s for a good cause. You’re the one telling me I need to consider giving additional money to charities.” I entered the hotel, psyched for the evening’s festivities. Why wouldn’t I be? After tonight, I’d own the lovely woman who’d tantalized my every sense for an extended period of time.

And the salacious plans I had for her would be frowned upon by her friends and family.

Especially her father.

Did that make me an evil man? It was in my genes, the need to take control over everything and everyone.

“That’s not exactly what I meant, bro,” he told me. “I heard this is Senator Winston’s daughter.”

“Hmm… I see Jameson can’t keep his mouth shut.”

“He’s worried about you.”

I laughed as I glanced at the marquis, locating the ballroom where the auction was located. “You mean he’s just jealous.”

“Perhaps. Is there a reason you’re playing with fire?”

“Maybe I like the girl.”

“Uh-huh. You were the man who had a girl every night back in college. I think you had rope in seven different colors waiting when they arrived.”

“Nonsense. I used leather and steel back then.”

Grant burst into laughter. “You always were the kinkiest of the three of us. Incidentally, I received the required financials from our perspective purchaser in Paris. He’s more than qualified.”

“Then I’ll have a chat with him, but not until this event is over.”

“It can wait a couple days. Although,” he added with a shift in his tone, “you should have a decision by the time the three of us meet. A slam dunk on this one would really boost our revenue.”

“Try at least a week. Philip Dumas is eager, which means he’ll wait.” I had plans on stretching the rules of the auction as I did with everything else.

“You sly devil, you. Enjoy but I’m warning you. Don’t bring down the wrath of the good senator.”

“I have every intention of doing exactly that.” I continued chuckling after ending the call. Yes, I was looking forward to becoming a thorn in Senator Winston’s side, but that wasn’t my main objective. I craved the woman and I always got exactly what I wanted.

I headed into the ballroom, watching the last few male participants, the women in the audience very vocal about their appreciation.

After grabbing a drink, I slipped into the back of the ballroom, taking a seat away from the crowd. The stage was set, the group of bachelors being auctioned reaching the end. I felt like an evil king, prepared to take what already belonged to him. I snickered at the thought, taking a sip of scotch as my thoughts returned to the precocious woman.

I wasn’t known for my patience, but in this case, there was little else I could do. At least the crowd was lively, entertaining in their excitement. I’d been reminded the event was all for dozens of good causes, Anastasia teasing me about my real intentions. I’d told myself I was in the mood to teach the luscious redhead a lesson or two, but my aching cock had other desires in mind.

I’d tossed and turned, my hunger lingering well into the early morning hours. My continued desire remained a surprise.

As Senator Winston took the stage, his face beaming, I shifted my gaze toward the women lined up on the outskirts of the stage. From where I sat and the number of lights, there was no possibility Lark could see more than a few feet in front of her. The element of surprise was exactly what I was going for.

“Gentlemen. It’s your turn,” Marshall said from behind the microphone. The man looked particularly pompous tonight.

I studied the group of women, finally able to catch a glimpse of my prize. Immediately, my cock responded, thickening to the point it was pinched next to my zipper. Lark was a creation of beauty, one taste of her as if indulging in forbidden fruit.

And I wanted more.

“Now, remember the rules. All bids start at ten thousand dollars. Don’t be stingy. It’s all for some very good causes. If you look at one of the two screens on either side of the room, you’ll be able to learn which charity your lady of choice is donating to.” Marshall’s speech was practiced, sounding more like a used car salesman than a United States senator. His voice was grating, but I shoved my disdain aside, sipping on my drink.

“What do we get in return?” a guy shouted from the audience.

“I’m glad you asked, son,” Marshall answered, his fake southern drawl forcing me to grit my teeth. “If you’re the successful bidder, then you receive one full day and night with your lovely prize. Doesn’t that sound exciting?”

I drowned out the rest of his revelry, allowing my filthy thoughts to invade my mental faculties. That proved to be far more interesting than his jabber.
