Page 48 of Required Surrender

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“No, but I didn’t think it was a big deal since he knew exactly why you’ve taken a leave of absence.”

“I’m not certain I like being involved.”

“I get it. I really do. The case is going to make national news. I can guarantee it,” Jackie said casually.

Why did I have a strange feeling my father had something to do with Mr. Davidson requesting I handle the case? My father had manipulated me my entire life. Why would this be any different? If I lost, it wouldn’t hurt my reputation significantly and would put me in the spotlight. But if I won, then my father would find a way to use it to his benefit.

That seemed odd to me given his conservative stance on sins of the flesh. However, my father did enjoy working an angle and always had.

“Do me one last favor in the next couple of days,” I told her.

“Only if you give me a play by play on that handsome man of yours.” She threw up her hands when I glared at her. “Party pooper.”

“Uh-huh. Find out if my father made any calls to the office recently.”


“I’m just curious.”

“Okay. You have your phone?”

“I have my phone.” Unless Lachlan decided to take it away from me.

“I’ll do it just because I like you. Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

As Jackie grabbed her menu, I couldn’t help but continue wondering if there was a strange connection with my father and Mr. Davidson. No more than there was with Davidson and the man who owned me.

Oh, what a tangled web.

* * *


It was my suggestion to expand, another one of my grandiose ideas. I’d had plenty of them over the years, my thoughts on how to increase revenue often met with one or the other of my partners rolling their eyes. They knew how my mind worked, never shutting off. This was the single time my original idea left a bad taste in my mouth. I had no idea why other than I continued to have the kind of sixth sense that negated my usual enjoyment of increasing capital.

“When is Mr. Dumas due in?” I asked, shifting my gaze from Grant to Jameson.

Jameson glanced at his watch. “The plane should be arriving at any time.”

“I thought you were picking him up.” I shifted my gaze in his direction, amused at the way he waved me off.

“He’d already hired a driver.”

“Fan-fucking-tastic.” My mood hadn’t improved since learning about his impending arrival.

“What’s crawling up your ass lately?” Grant threw at me as he helped himself at the bar.

“He’s concentrating on destroying the troublesome senator from Florida. Remember?” Jameson laughed as he stared at me. “He’s found a carnal way of doing so.”

I lifted my middle finger, snorting as Grant glanced over his shoulder at me. “Very funny, although I’ll call it a perk of the industry.”

“That’s right. Anastasia told me all about the reason for your interest in the auction.” Grant grinned, acting as if he’d never done anything of an unscrupulous nature in his entire life. Maybe I needed to remind him about rescuing his ass from jail more than once. Or maybe I was just feeling guilty about the reason behind agreeing to participate in the auction in the first place.

“Your sister andmyemployee should learn to keep her mouth shut.”

“Oh, she’syouremployee now. Interesting. The last time I checked we were still partners in our methods of perfecting sin,” Grant returned, sliding onto the couch. “By the way, five million dollars is a hefty price to pay for indulging your personal carnal needs.”

“Don’t worry. It didn’t come out of company funds. Anastasia would have my balls in a vise.”
