Page 54 of Required Surrender

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“Well, I’ll handle that later. If it’s a matter of money, I can certainly provide you with a hefty bonus.” His offer sent a shiver down my spine.

“It’s not about the money, Dr. Davidson. It’s about what’s perceived as right versus wrong. I didn’t want to potentially jeopardize your case.”

“Oh, I could handle the jury.”

Why was it that everything that came out of his mouth seemed like a threat? I realized I was glaring at him. “You can’t handle a jury. That’s against the law and would definitely hurt your case. However, Jeff Carter is an excellent attorney.” My grip on the wineglass tightened, my fingers aching.

He smirked in response, laughing softly. “I don’t want Jeff Carter, Ms. Winston. I specifically requested your representation.”

“Why? Did someone recommend my services?” Why not try to goad him into telling me what he and my father had cooked up?

“I’ve watched you, studying the way you handle cases. You’re tenacious as well as disarming. Plus, I don’t mind telling you that because you’re a woman, you’ll seem more believable to the jury.”

Well, at least he’d admitted being a pig. “Well, perhaps you can talk to Mr. Abbot about one of our other female attorneys. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get dressed for dinner. I don’t want to keep Lachlan waiting after how much he’s provided for the animals.”

The asshole walked closer, this time his gaze drifting all the way to my bare feet. “Be careful of Lachlan, Ms. Winston. He’s a dangerous man. More so than you currently understand. If you were still on the case, I’d advise you to spend a significant amount of time in Carnal Sins. You’d realize soon enough what control he has over every. Single. Member. Claire Kenwright’s death wasn’t the first and certainly won’t be the last.”

“Is that a threat, Dr. Davidson?”

He chuckled, glancing toward the same landscaped area I’d enjoyed earlier. “Absolutely not, Ms. Winston. It’s merely an observation after years of indulging in dark and dangerous desires. But I’m certain you can understand the need to experience highs of a different nature. Can’t you?”

I’d heard his wife had filed for divorce. Was it possible she hadn’t known about his sadistic cravings? Was his sudden appearance orchestrated by my father? Ugly thoughts raced through my mind.

While Ernest gave me an opportunity to respond, I chose not to. Why encourage him? Anger tinged my senses. How dare he judge me. Wait. I had to play this cool until I figured out what was going on.

“Just something for you to think about.” He turned, taking methodical steps, stopping after a few seconds. Without bothering to face me, he turned his head over his shoulder. “It’s such a shame about Claire. She was a delightful submissive. Breath play can be such a dangerous activity for people who don’t understand the technique required to keep someone alive while providing them the ultimate pleasure. That’s something you can ask your new master about.”

As soon as he disappeared, my body swayed. What in hell had the man just insinuated, that Lachlan was somehow involved?

Or had he just admitted his guilt?

I counted to fifteen before walking toward the house, constantly scanning the rooms through the open blinds as I walked by to ensure he’d left. When I entered the kitchen, I had the distinct feeling the information I’d left open on my computer and the paper file had been gone through.

A combination of anger and fear swept into my muscles as I raced into the foyer, realizing the door was unlocked. There was no way I’d forgotten to latch the deadbolt. None. I’d lived far too long in the heart of the city where crime could occur at any time of the day or night to be that stupid. I moved closer, unable to see any signs the lock had been tampered with. Was there any chance he was friends with Lachlan?

I didn’t buy it.

The doctor had been trying to scare me. And what the hell was he talking about with breath play? People were really into that? I refilled my wine, returning to my perch at the kitchen chair. Then I googled it, scanning the internet page looking for someone that would describe how play asphyxiation was done.

There were several articles, the definition as simple as the concept. Restricting someone’s ability to breathe to aid in achieving a higher rate of sexual satisfaction or euphoria. Hoods and masks were often used to cover the nose and mouth. I pressed my hand to my throat, still unable to process how anyone would want to partake in the sadistic kink willingly. Swallowing hard, I continued reading. Adrenaline as well as endorphins were released, adding to the excitement and pleasure.

Not a chance in hell. Not one.

As I sat back, I glanced at the items again, musing over the doctor’s warning. With what Jackie had alluded to, I was starting to feel like there was a lot more to Lachlan McKenzie than I knew or that I wanted to discover.

The reason I was so concerned was two-fold. I had the distinct feeling Dr. Davidson was guilty of the crime he was accused of. I also had a terrible feeling more bodies would turn up as the man believed.

But even more, after peeling away the dark, powerful aura surrounding Lachlan, the intensity of how he handled every aspect of his life, the commanding man was exactly what I needed.

And what I craved.

Was it possible Lachlan had a much darker side than I knew about? As the ugly thought drifted through my mind, I stared at the article I’d found on breath play, reminding myself for the third time I was off the case. I didn’t need to worry about Dr. Davidson any longer.

Or did I?

When I felt Lachlan’s presence, I stiffened yet a wave of desire tickled my system the same way it had done before.

I closed the laptop lid, moving to a standing position. When I turned around, the tingling sensations only increased. His eyes were more hooded than normal, his chest rising and falling irregularly. The man was just as hungry as he’d been the night before.
