Page 66 of Required Surrender

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That wasn’t going to happen.

* * *


Lachlan’s arrogance remained, but it wasn’t nearly as grating as it was endearing at this point. I’d heard the subtle forcefulness in his voice, a command issued as if the savage man inside expected everyone to follow his orders without question. He seemed more oppressive than before, the darkness inside of him untouchable and terrifying. I wasn’t certain why, other than the bizarre warning Ernest had left regarding him.

The euphoric experience at the club had left me feeling lightheaded, unable to concentrate. He had a way of breaking through my resistance, including issuing his earlier command. My nipples ached with need, scraping against the corset in a way they hadn’t before. I didn’t hate the attire as I had the first minute when I’d pulled the items from the bag.

I did throw silent curse words at him in several languages. My father’s insistence I learn French, Spanish, and Russian had finally come in handy. Maybe I was giddy from the wine, but I couldn’t seem to stop laughing.

Then another moment of ugliness crossed over my mind.

Hearing the news about the other girl was alarming. I couldn’t deny it. However, the same spark that had gotten me through law school in record time, passing the bar exam on the first try and without doing much studying was clawing its way to the surface.

I couldn’t seem to take my mind off the business card found at the scene. A part of me wanted to say that I’d seen it before, the elegant calligraphy indicating something sinful. For some reason, the day had been exhausting, more so because of Ernest’s visit. Maybe I should have told Lachlan about his visit, but I sensed his possessiveness increasing. He’d likely go after Ernest in a fit of rage. I thought that because of the coldness in his eyes I’d been privy to seeing more than once.

The devil remained buried beneath his suave layers.

As I turned on the water, I peered at myself in the mirror. The girl I’d often called frumpy was no longer there. In her place was a woman determined to ignore the naysayers, enjoying her life. Maybe my boost in self-confidence was all about my ability to let go.

With him.

As I stripped off my clothes, I continued to think about the case, hoping the missing girl was just out for a secretive getaway and nothing more. I pinned up my hair, allowing the hideousness of the case that wasn’t mine to float away, replaced with the searing touch of a man I’d wanted to hate. My nipples remained fully aroused, the scent of my desire stronger than before.

It was strange how appealing a man I’d hated had suddenly become. What was the overused phrase? Had it made for hot sex? Without a doubt. I laughed as I climbed into the shower, the water instantly soothing the tenseness, allowing me to drift away to the sweet moment I’d experienced before.

Why Lachlan had required our immediate departure from Carnal Sins was beyond me, except I’d seen the look he’d given Jeff after the pompous jackass had undressed me with his eyes. He’d flirted with me before at the office, but only because of who my father was. I was surprised the guy hadn’t been invited to the auction. His father was rich enough to float him a loan.

I closed my eyes, allowing the water to cascade down the front of my body. For once I’d enjoyed an evening, but I’d longed for more. I’d wanted Lachlan to fuck me like the other women I’d seen on the first night.

Where had the few days gone? I’d hated him with a passion from minute one. Now I craved his body like a kitty needing her milk. The thought would have repulsed me days ago. How had the man gotten under my skin?

The connection we shared was ridiculously strong. Enough so there was no noise, but I knew he’d entered the room. I opened one eye, basking in his muscular form through the glazed glass. When he opened the door, I crossed my arms over my breasts, taking a few delicious seconds to bask in the beauty of his thick cock.

“Didn’t you forget something?” he asked in his gravelly voice.

I backed against the tile, giving him a heated look. “I never forget anything.”

He narrowed his eyes, drinking me in as his nostrils flared. Finally, he closed the door behind him, his chest rising and falling. “You didn’t ask me to join you.”

“You didn’t demand me to do so.”

“Hmmm…” He moved closer, planting one hand on the wall beside me, using the other to forcefully lower my arms. “You will never hide yourself from me. I own you. Remember?”

“A few more days.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, sweet Lark. I’ve decided to renegotiate our contract. Only this time, it’ll be on my terms completely.”

He pinched my chin, crowding my space. The scent of him bathed in sprinkles of steam was powerfully intoxicating. “What if I don’t agree?”

“You don’t have a choice, baby. The moment you tossed coffee in my lap, you were already mine.”

As he lowered his head, my breathing became ragged. “Technically it wasn’t in your lap.”

“Semantics, Ms. Attorney. I work on body language.” As he captured my mouth, I pressed my hands against his chest, marveling in the feel of his muscles. I hadn’t been allowed to explore his fabulous body, indulging in eye candy created by God.

It would seem he was having none of it, taking first one arm then the other, easing them both over my head. When he wrapped one hand around both wrists, I arched my back. I wanted to feel the heat of his body pressing against mine. I needed to escape the bleakness of my life all over again.
