Page 73 of Required Surrender

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I couldn’t hide who I was, so I intended on using it, including my father’s senatorial position.

The girl opened the door, nodding to usher me inside. The corner office had a gorgeous view of the city, floor-to-ceiling windows on two sides. There was a sitting area with leather chairs, a bar in the corner, and a huge glass and steel desk. Even more surprising was the woman who sat behind the work of art.

Candice Porter was much younger than I’d anticipated, her suit tailored, costing thousands. She immediately rose to her feet, walking around the edge of her desk with her arm outstretched.

“Ms. Winston. I’m very glad to make your acquaintance. Why don’t we have a seat over there,” she said, nodding toward the chairs positioned on a stunning accent rug as she shook my hand. “I find introductions held behind my desk far too formal. Would you like anything to drink?”

“No, but thank you. I’m very glad to be here.” She led me to the sitting area, allowing me to get comfortable, the entire time studying me from head to toe. I had a feeling she could size up a candidate within five seconds, making her determination as to whether the girl would be a good fit at that moment.

At least she continued to have a smile on her face, which hopefully meant I’d passed the first test.

“While I’ve taken the opportunity to study your profile prior to your arrival, impressive I might add, why don’t you tell me a little about why you’d like to become a team member.”

Somehow, I’d known she’d scour every internet site prior to my arrival.

I’d practiced a little in my mind about what I’d say given the opportunity, but I wasn’t certain what she was looking for. However, I was usually good at winging it. “As you obviously know, I’m low on the totem pole within a fabulous firm that I hope to grow with in time. However, the starting salary for an attorney in their office is abysmal.”

“Agreed,” she said as she sat back in her seat.

“I think I have a lot to offer by being an escort. I speak several different languages and have a broad knowledge of food and wine. I’m musically inclined and love attending events from the opera and ballet to a rock concert.”

“Excellent. Our clients consist of men traveling from abroad as well as men from around the States. Your skills would allow them to enjoy a night on the town, becoming comfortable with their surroundings.” She leaned forward, giving me another hard onceover. “I’m going to be frank with you, Ms. Winston. I’m aware of who your father is. Does it concern you that you might be asked to escort a member of the legislature?”

“I’m not certain why it would. I’m a grown woman living in a different state than my father. I make my own decisions and have for years.” I gave her a hard look. “I’m completely aware that being an escort can have several… layers. I’ve thought about this for a couple months. I know I would enjoy sharing my talent with men who simply need companionship. I also refuse to allow my father’s standings within the Senate to hinder my ability to grow as a person and a woman.”

Candice took a deep breath, cocking her head to the side. “You’re obviously a very intelligent woman, Lark. I hope you don’t mind me calling you by your first name.”

“Not a problem.”

“The men and women who become our clients are discerning in their tastes. They expect and quite frankly demand the best, the most beautiful and personable women and men. That’s what we offer. We also provide a fantasy, a night or sometimes more where the client can pretend to be something he or she is not, at least on a normal basis. In your case, the male client is searching to find the perfect woman who can fulfill his needs.”

“Completely understandable, but I sense you need to tell me more.” I knew I was challenging her, but this was perhaps the best way of discovering information.

Her laugh seemed genuine. “You’re very astute. Yes, Lark, we provide more than our employees fulfilling the need for a companion. I’m certain you understand what I’m alluding to.”

“Sex and kink.”

The corners of her mouth upturned in a smile, a hint of surprise twinkling in her eyes. “Please understand that by no means will I allow my employees to be treated with anything other than complete respect. Are there often changes made to the initial contract? Yes. I trust the people who work for me to make the best decisions in handling the additional requests, which, as you might imagine, come with a significant price increase.”

“Of course. Are there limitations as to what your employees can agree to?”

I could tell she was searching to see how much I could handle. “Obviously, no violence is allowed. None. There is a list of rules that both the client and my employees are required to follow. We do not tolerate abuse of any kind under any circumstances. Some of our clients are very… dark in their needs. That usually takes a special woman to provide a service that will leave both parties satisfied. I’m curious. Do you enjoy acts of BDSM? And I’m not just talking about being spanked, but some of the more hardcore sessions.”

“Yes, very much so, although I admit I’m a novice at enjoying the lifestyle. I guess you would call me a masochist. Pain is my pleasure.” My answer not only pleased her but seemed to satisfy several doubts. “Besides, I’m certain you run a full background check on the people considered for your client list.”

“Yes, some would say a deeper dive than the FBI,” she said, grinning.

“Good to know. There are so many weirdos out there.” By the look on her face, I’d either raised a red flag or she was working with a guilty conscience.

“Unfortunately so.” She sat back, crossing her legs. “As you might imagine, I must consider every aspect of both my clients and the happiness of my employees before I consider hiring anyone. I like your look, your style, and your attitude. I’m going to ask you to fill out a simple form listing likes, dislikes, and what you’re not willing to participate in. Then I’ll make my decision based on your answers. Does that sound reasonable to you?”


“Excellent.” She hesitated as if her conscience was getting the better of her. “Our clients are very wealthy individuals, Lark. They expect the best and in turn, they are very generous. However, I’ve learned recently that a few girls aren’t ready for the level of kink demanded. You’ll need to take that into consideration.”

“I understand.”

I had questions racing through my mind but had the distinct feeling my interest and application would be shoved into the trash if I dared ask even one. At least the interview confirmed what I already knew. She catered to men and women who indulged in darker kink. While a cold shiver trickled down my spine, I was committed to finding answers.
