Page 95 of Required Surrender

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As she flew from the room, I closed my eyes, rubbing my jaw. What I was doing was the right thing, but the ache and thought of losing her was too much to bear. And at this point, I’d hunt down whoever was sabotaging me, and they’d learn exactly what happened when someone crossed me.



What was the expression? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Try one who was fucking pissed off at being a part of the old boys’ school of bullshit.

I’d never been so enraged in my life.

What was happening was insane.

Even worse, what Lachlan had said had really hurt. We’d enjoyed such an incredible time together. Then poof. Once the police had arrived, he’d shut me down. Was everything we’d shared just a fucking act? He’d never tell me the truth one way or the other. I was angry.

I was incensed.

I was furious the cops were hassling him. I wanted to put my fist against Lachlan’s face.

Right now, I was a bundle of emotions.

While I couldn’t control everything, including the less than scrupulous methods being used in dealing with Lachlan, I could give his attorney a what-for given the circumstances.

As I stormed into the office, I caught Jackie’s eye as she was coming out of a meeting. She raced toward me, managing to yank my arm before I headed down the hallway leading to the executive’s offices.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“What am I doing here? Trying to save Lachlan’s ass, although I’m not entirely certain why.”

“Did something happen?”

“Not just something. Everything. He was this close to being arrested.”

Jackie’s eyes opened wide. “You’re kidding me. For Davidson’s murder?” She tried to keep her voice hushed.

I nodded, glancing at the various people milling through the office. “Something is going on, Jackie, and I don’t like it. Lachlan is being railroaded.”

“What can I do?”

As I thought about her question, I noticed Braxton was headed for his office from the copy room. Bastard. “Keep your ear to the ground.”

“With anyone specific?”

Every detail of the last few days had played out in my mind several times. I had too many questions and all the plausible answers were ones I didn’t like. “Trent.”

“Whew. Okay. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“So do I.” I gave her a halfhearted smile then moved down the hallway, barely knocking on Braxton’s office door before barging in.

“Hey, Lark. I thought you had the week off, a wedding or something.”

“You know better, Braxton.” I didn’t bother closing the door behind me. I wasn’t going to be staying that long. Maybe I did need a break away from the office to try to put some pieces together. Or maybe I’d come hunting after hours. I moved to his desk, planting my hands on the surface and leaning over. “Why did you fire Lachlan McKenzie as a client?”

“Why?” He seemed mighty uncomfortable that I was asking.

“Yep. You offered to help him since he was being harassed yet once the heat came down, you tossed him aside.”

He half laughed, narrowing his eyes. “It wasn’t my choice.”

“Meaning what?”
