Page 20 of Cruelest Vow

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I dragged my tongue across my lips, my muscles tensing.

Taste meant everything to me.

In a world where almost everything had been denied or earned through brutal acts, the sweet taste of fruit or the saltiness of meat had been powerful. But the taste of Lucia’s pussy had been unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I could bury my face into her wetness for hours, indulging in fulfilling the dark fantasies that had filled my mind.

However, I wanted more.

All of her. Every. Single. Inch.

My cock ached, so much so I was almost blinded by desire. As I slipped the keycard into the lock, I threw her a look, basking in her beauty. She’d grown into a stunning woman, her voluptuous figure meant for a man to grab and hold. I wanted her naked, exposed for my eyes only. She’d fallen into a trap, a cage with invisible bars, but that would hold her because I would make it happen.

Yet I wasn’t ready to expose my identity. Toying with her, fucking her was pleasure that I deserved. My bones ached from need, anger swirling with emotions I had no understanding of. As soon as the door was closed and locked, I advanced, taking a deep breath, her fragrance alone threatening to derail my intentions. Losing control would mean failure and that wasn’t allowed.

I fisted my hands as I gazed down at her face, my insides churning. “Off,” I told her, indicating her coat, surprised when she didn’t hesitate, the material falling to the floor around her bare feet. She dropped her shoes and purse alongside, shoring up her shoulders as she returned her heated gaze to mine. She was daring me, tempting me.

Perhaps she hadn’t sensed she’d entered the lair of a beast.

That would soon change.

This wouldn’t be gentle. I had no longing for romance, only brutal sex that could allow the demons to fade if only for a little while.

She said nothing, only the sound of her ragged breathing filtering into my ears. When she darted to peel away my jacket, her gentle touch tossed gasoline onto an already raging fire. The temptation was too enticing to ignore.

As soon as she’d shoved the thick material over my shoulders, I jerked my arms free, tossing it aside. Then I slammed my hands on either side of her, debating which desire to fulfill first. I cupped her face as I’d done before, forcing her head back.

There was no need for words, our bodies speaking in the language necessary to fulfill our desires. I dug my fingers into her skin painfully, but she refused to flinch. She wanted everyone to believe she was a tough girl, but I knew her better than anyone ever could. I’d learned her vulnerabilities, had listened to her dreams, her hopes for the future at a time when we’d both had them. I’d been her rock, her companion when her family had treated her like a possession to be sold off to the highest bidder.

Just like her worthless father was doing to her now.

I’d knife him in his sleep soon enough, spilling his blood as he’d spilled my family’s. Gutting him was the only choice, the vision taunting my rage.

What would he think to know the disgusting stable boy had his daughter in his clutches, prepared to steal what was left of her innocence? The act of vengeance was sweet indeed but stealing her body as well as her heart would provide more satisfaction.

Then I’d crush his world in the palm of my hand.

I dragged my tongue across the seam of her mouth, the indulgence testing my patience. She murmured much like she’d done before, the hint of defiance in her eyes driving our round of passion. My innocent flower had turned into a powerful woman, but her continued vulnerability was just as enticing.

Every dream I’d had of this moment was nothing in comparison to reality. I crushed my mouth over hers, no longer playing it easy. I wanted her hot and wet, ready to take all of me.

She slid her arm around my neck, fingering the base of my hair. I kissed her as if my life depended on it and in a way, it did. I entangled my tongue with hers, every muscle in my body electrified from hate and anger, sorrow and pain.

Seconds later, I broke the kiss, gasping for air before fisting her hair at the scalp, twisting her head until I was able to see the entire length of her long neck. When I dragged my tongue along her jaw, she pressed one hand against my chest then the other, mewing in a soft rhapsody.

Seconds later, the playful side that I’d remembered suddenly came to life, the girl who adored the simplest things softening the anger once again. She shoved her hands against my chest, darting under my arms. Her laughter was a sweet melody of music that had been stolen from me like everything else.

I slowly cocked my head, my breathing shallower than before. The smile she offered became another reminder of everything I’d lost. The animal I’d become was close to the surface, but she was too fragile. I’d break her into a million little pieces.Walk away, I’d told myself more than once. But how could I when she’d been the only light to my darkness, the only reason I survived?

Love and hate threatened to derail my plans. That couldn’t happen. I took three long strides and had her in my arms. Without any further hesitation, I popped the remaining button on her blouse, the feel of the soft silk capturing the essence of her innocence. After ripping it off, I brought it to my nose as I’d done before with her panties, drinking in her delightful essence.

Her lower lip quivered as she watched me, and every time she blinked, her long eyelashes skimmed across her delicate features. My cravings were too intense, pushing me into becoming a beast forged from the ashes of my former life. She smiled provocatively, sliding her bra straps down her sculpted shoulders, easing her arms around her back to unfasten the clasp.

I was the one who yanked it off her luscious body.

Goddamn, the woman was beautiful, her voluptuous figure made for hard fucking.

When I gripped her hips, she whimpered and in an unexpected move, she cupped my jaw, gently rubbing her fingers across my cheek. As she gazed into my eyes, hers filled with imagination, I almost told her what she’d discover would ruin the goodness inside.
