Page 32 of Cruelest Vow

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As I searched the streets for the mysterious hunk.

The traffic was terrible as usual, but as I pulled into the garage I paid far too much money for and never used, I shoved the naughtiness aside. This morning was all about business. I made it a point to look professional every time I visited the gleaming store. It was important to be seen as a heavy player in the billion plus dollar industry. Plus, being a woman, I had to push even harder. I ditched the coat, enjoying the brisk walk to the store, pleased to see there were several customers inside.

I’d hired the best people, six gemologists on staff, four designers that helped create the perfect selection for any occasion. And up to this point, my father hadn’t visited once. I’d begun to think he never paid attention to the financials I sent every month either. That made the thought of my brother attempting a coup and taking over leave more than a bitter taste in my mouth.

When I walked inside, I took a few seconds to breathe in the atmosphere. Nothing had been left to chance, the architect and designer I’d hired the best in the gem industry. From the perfect lighting to the music playing through unseen speakers, the rich wall colors and gleaming cases, the location was inviting. There was a special area with leather couches and chairs, a full bar with an attendant. And there were private rooms, allowing couples to take their time in making their selection.

I paid my people well and it showed in the smiles on their faces. It also showed in the reviews and profits, both of which I’d kept a keen eye on.

“Ms. Lazarro.” Drake’s voice was always pleasant, dark and gravelly, accentuating his chiseled jaw and dark eyes. I’d often thought it was a shame the man was older than my father. As I moved closer, his smile brightened. “What a pleasant surprise.”

What surprised me was the single bead of sweat I noticed sliding down the side of his face as I approached. The LED lights were specifically designed for jewelry stores such as mine, the lack of heat a welcoming change to styles from years before. The closer I came, the more I realized his jaw was clenched. The man was under stress.

When I noticed his gaze flitting toward the door, I immediately bristled. “Perhaps we can talk in your office.”

“Of… of course.”

I trailed behind him, stopping before I entered the short corridor to gaze out the front door. Why did I have the distinct feeling he was expecting company?

Drake immediately walked to the other side of his desk, his office exactly as I remembered. Neat and organized. He was always on time with his weekly reports, giving a detailed overview of trends as well as sales. Nothing had seemed amiss, but as I thought about it, I seemed to recall I’d thought more than once that the man was too good to be true.

I’d spent time researching his background, his recommendation landing on my desk from a colleague in the industry. That had been eight months before. Every month, I’d allowed more of my control to slip. I purposely placed my purse on the edge of his desk, grabbing a tissue from inside, leaving it open on purpose.

As I dabbed nonexistent dust from my eye, he lowered his gaze. I knew exactly the moment he noticed the gun I always carried by the single hint of fear in his eyes.

“Drake. I thought I’d stop by and see how things were going for myself. I’ve been somewhat remiss in spending more time here. You do remember this is my baby, the establishment taking me two years to put together.”

“I know, Ms. Lazarro. You created something incredible, the store rivaling the rest in the district.”

“I would agree.” I walked to the grouping of photographs in frames he had on a credenza, purposely selecting one highlighting his wife and two sons. “You have a beautiful family.”

“Thank you. They’re my pride and joy.”

“I’ve found families can be difficult, wading through the bullshit tedious.”

He laughed nervously and I didn’t need to be looking in his direction to know he was shifting from foot to foot. I wasn’t like my father or brother. There would be no violence in my operation, yet I refused to tolerate any level of betrayal.

“I suppose you’re right. I guess I’m blessed that we all get along.”

I gingerly eased the frame onto the polished wood, running my finger across the three faces before turning toward him. “Allow me to provide you with a friendly piece of advice, Drake. I’m doing so because I care about you and your family.”

“Of course.”

“The family I grew up in wasn’t destined for the perfect Christmas card. While love did and to some extent still does exist, I’ve chosen to live my life apart from their treachery. Do you understand what I’m saying?” I’d never mentioned my family to him, or to most people. Of course, connections could be made, but it wouldn’t be by my doing.

“I think I do.” A genuine smile returned.

“I’ve worked hard over the years to carve out a new life. There isn’t a single soul on this earth I’ll allow to take it away from me. Is that understood?”

Drake nodded, swallowing a large lump in his throat. There was no doubt in my mind my brother’s influence on him had provided a level of discomfort he had no idea what to do with. “I totally understand and you shouldn’t. You’re an amazing woman, someone I admire.”

“Thank you, Drake. I really do appreciate that. How are sales?” I brightened, returning the same smile he’d provided before.

“Incredible this past week. We’ll exceed anticipated sales by at least thirty percent.”

“That’s amazing. And it will be reflected in a bonus I hear the boss is giving out.” I laughed, yet when he glanced at his watch, anger swept through me. And as fate would have it, that was the moment one of the salesclerks walked into his office with an announcement whose outcome had already been whispered through his actions.

“Drake. Someone is here to see you. He says he has an appointment.”
