Page 36 of Cruelest Vow

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“Now you have me curious. What does the lovely lady do when she’s not lambasting men inside a bar or a hardware store?”

Her eyebrows shot up in amusement. “I would hardly call what I did lambasting. When I do, I’m much more aggressive.” She waited as I laughed to finish answering my question. “I’m a gem broker, but I also have a retail store.”

“My goodness. I would assume a very tough business to be in.”

“Because I’m a woman?”

I half closed my eyes, her rebelliousness intoxicating. “Because the players involved in the diamond trade industry can be ruthless. Often criminal tactics are used. A woman alone in a business of that nature could find herself in shark-infested waters.”

She laughed nervously. “Either you’ve been reading too many suspense thrillers, or you have more understanding of the business than you want to me to learn about.”

“Perhaps a little of both. I make it my business to study situations before I determine whether to consider it an opportunity or a detriment. I would imagine in your position that you’re required to avoid quicksand far too often.”

As she mulled over what I was saying, her expression softened. “Quicksand. That’s an interesting way of putting it. I have a board of directors, an impressive staff of well-qualified individuals who work for me but often I feel as if I’m walking on hot coals.”

“Then if I may offer a piece of advice. Find someone you can really trust to help you cross without getting your feet burned.”

“That sounds suspiciously like a proposal, Mr. Scarpella,” she mused, her gaze falling ever so slowly to my crotch.

“As I said, when I see an incredible opportunity, I don’t allow it to pass. That’s exactly how I became wealthy.”

“A man who doesn’t mince words. And here I thought you weren’t much of a talker.”

The scent of her bodywash alone was keeping my balls tight. My patience to taste her was wearing thin. “I’m not when hunger is involved.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Where is your incredible motorcycle?”

“Parked in the garage for the time being. It’s only used with pleasure in mind. Today I had business to handle.”

“Mmm…” she murmured low in her throat. “So did I.”

When she leaned into the gesture, I slipped my hand under her hair, squeezing her neck. “You will join me for dinner tonight.” I lowered my head, the intensity of our connection crackling between us. “And I’m not asking. I’m telling you.”

“A demanding man.”

“Always, Lucia, and I always get what I want.”

“Another perk of the position?” She dragged her tongue across her lips, the sultry move pushing every button, which was exactly what she was trying to do.

“Let’s call it a welcoming fulfillment to my needs. So, dinner.”

“Yes. That sounds amazing.”

“Good. I’ll come for you at seven.” Whether or not she noticed my cock was pressing snugly against my jeans, I couldn’t tell but her ragged breathing was a temptation more than an acknowledgement. The fact I should hate her continued to weigh heavily on my mind.

“I hope you will,” she breathed, the blush deepening. “What should I wear?”

“Something red.”

Lucia lifted her head, moistening her lips. Then she placed her hand on my chest, forcing the connection to break. “I’m looking forward to it, Nicolo. Unfortunately, I need to get a few things taken care of. I hope you understand.” She skirted away and I allowed her, one last time seeing a flash of trepidation crossing her lovely face. Her refusal to fall prey to someone she barely knew only made me want her that much more.

Killing Enzo for terrorizing her wasn’t in my best interest or that of the family, but I’d have the play out the situation carefully. It would certainly provide some satisfaction. That I desperately needed. Being this close to exacting revenge had already taken a toll.

I watched her pay for her things, turning only once in my direction. When she was gone, I placed the basket on the floor, heading to the entrance.

I had some things to do before tonight, business to handle.
