Page 40 of Cruelest Vow

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His chuckle was disarming. “I also have pressed my shirts before when necessary. I even clean toilets.”

He was entirely different than the two nights before, allowing some of my guard to fall. “That I’d like to see.”

“Stay long enough and you will.” His expression softened. “If you’re still uncomfortable after coming inside, I’ll walk you back to the main doors and you’ll never see me again. Fair enough?”

I knew I was jaded, both from the training my father had insisted on and because of the recent arduous days. He certainly didn’t act as if he posed a threat. “Fair enough. But I will warn you that I carry a weapon.”

He held up his finger as if scolding me. “You never tell a stranger when you’ve hidden your weapon. That gives them an advantage if they aren’t who they purport themselves to be. Your purse is far too convenient and easy for others to grab.”

“I never said I carried in my purse. Did I?”

Everything about his sultry laugh kept the tingles drifting up and down the length of my body. But it was his masculine scent of a forest in the summer, exotic spices, and a hint of orange that kept my stomach in knots.

I hadn’t been inside the building before and when he led me inside his apartment, I was instantly in love with it. While to some the high ceilings with beams and the completely open space would be too stark, I was enthralled by the floor-to-ceiling window covering the entire front wall that spanned for at least forty feet. The metal poles positioned in what appeared to be random locations added to the creative ambiance. One wall was brick, aging mortar peeking out between the various courses.

The lights were warm, some spotlighting walls that were crying out for art. I could envision living here, even though I’d started craving the countryside of long ago, time spent with my beloved horse.

The memories were too painful. I’d managed to salvage a life and it had been threatened.

Stop. Enjoy your evening. Don’t let Enzo win.

The words of advice were good ones and if anyone could pull me out of my ugly mood, it would be Nicolo.

There was very little in the way of furnishings, only a single huge area rug with a leather sofa and two chairs, an all glass coffee table positioned in the middle. Then there was a bank of computers on two six-foot tables, all of which were an indication he’d just moved in.

I could see the open kitchen from where I stood, the gleaming appliances something that would be used by a world class chef. I noticed a short hallway led to two doors but there were no other walls. The ornate table adjacent was gorgeous, the design Mediterranean. Another surprise.

“My apologies for the austere surroundings. I was lucky the place came with some furniture including pots and pans or I wouldn’t have brought you up here.”

“I love it. Just magnificent.” When he eased the coat from my shoulders, I shuddered just as I’d done before. He had a way about him that made me feel comfortable even after all I’d been through.

“It will do. Wine? Whiskey? Gin? I have everything.”

“Wine. Red if you have it.”

“I do.” He gingerly placed my coat over the back of one of the chairs, instantly removing his jacket, studying me with hooded eyes as he unfastened his tie, whipping it off seconds later. “You were right in that I prefer different attire.” His grin was infectious.

“You just had to prove me wrong.”

“How did I do?”

“While Gucci suits you, the tight jeans made my mouth water.”

His laughter boomed even with the high ceilings. “That is perhaps the best compliment I’ve had in a long time.” His stare was so intense that prickles appeared on my arms. Just watching him unbutton his shirt as well as his sleeves, taking his time to roll first one then the other over his elbow was one of the sexiest things I’d seen in a long time. I concentrated on the ink covering his forearms, the intricate patterns weaving a story that I wanted to hear.

Shuddering, I purposely turned away, allowing my eyes to become accustomed to the shadows hovering in three corners. The bank of computers drew my attention, but I sensed whatever he was working on was private. There was no doubt in my mind he was a complex man, as private as I’d become. When I was standing in front of the intricate system, my curiosity almost allowed me to press my fingers on the trackpad.

Thoughts of the ridiculous question about marriage popped into my mind. Would I really consider entering into a marriage of convenience to avoid the forced responsibilities? If I did, what would it entail? We were already lovers, the delicious stranger obviously not in need of money, so what would our alliance mean in the end?

I pulled my hand away, shifting my attention to the small music system nestled in the corner. I was used to playing music through speakers and my iPad, but the equipment he had reminded me of the stereo I had in my room as a teenager. “What music do you like?” I said absently, vaguely aware I’d heard the slight pop of a cork as a bottle of wine was opened.

“I guess you would say my tastes are eclectic. Metal. Rock. Jazz. I particularly love Spanish guitar.”

As soon as he mentioned the last, my muscles tensed. “So do I.” My whisper was hoarse as memories flooded my mind. As soon as I closed my eyes, I could see his face, the boy who’d risked his world by playing me a song.

“By all means select whatever you’d like.”

Nicolo’s voice was deep, more so than before, the husky tone creating another wave of tingling vibrations. I turned the system on, fingering the various CDs he’d organized, selecting a musician I’d never heard of but knowing instantly it was the music I wanted to hear. After placing it on the disc, my fingers shaking, it took a few seconds for me to press play.
