Page 47 of Cruelest Vow

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“It’s not you. Being with you makes me feel alive.”

I turned off the stove, shifting the pan to another burner before beckoning her with a single finger.

“What?” Her playfulness had returned, the way she shook her head another example of her determined defiance.

“Come here.”

“What will you do if I don’t?”

“Do you really want to find out?”

“Maybe I do.” She acted as if she was going to run, forcing me to chase her. That wasn’t going to happen. Reaching out, I easily grabbed her arm, swinging her toward me. When she slammed her hand against my chest, my cock immediately hardened, pressing between her legs.

“I can see I’m going to need to teach you another hard lesson.”

She struggled in my hold, but it was easy to see she was feigning horror. I tossed her over the counter, ripping up the shirt I’d provided before grabbing a wooden spoon from the utensil holder. When I cracked it across her bottom without hesitation, she yelped.

“This is exactly what happens to girls who disobey their masters.” I brought the spoon down four more times, moving from one side of her buttocks to the other.

Her squeals filled the kitchen, but she leaned further over the counter, the damning invitation one I couldn’t resist. I brought the wooden implement down several times, the sadist inside of me enjoying the color warming both her cheeks and her bottom. Every moan dripping from her lush lips, every breathless sound pushed me further into a moment of peace. That would seem strange to anyone else, but I had a feeling if I mentioned it to Lucia, she’d completely understand. We’d been born of the same cloth, sequestered in similar prisons.

And we both had wanted nothing more than to break free.

When my shaft was aching to the point of pain, I took a deep breath, her essence of desire more powerful to my psyche than before. I was almost blinded from a desire I’d shoved aside, pretending as if I didn’t care. I shoved the handle between her legs, rubbing it up and down her wet pussy exactly as I’d done with my fingers before.

I could live and die on the soft mews, the visible shudder of her body. She gripped the edge of the counter, throwing her head back. Her pursed lips were meant to surround my cockhead, sucking until I elected to come down her throat. She could have no idea how much she affected me, the strength of her resolve boosting mine. I was raw with need, my balls swelling.

As she bucked against the spoon, indulging in the filthy act, my insatiable desire could no longer be contained. I slipped my hand under her leg, placing her knee on the counter. She arched her back, closing her eyes, and the soft moans turned into ragged breaths as I thrust my cock inside her sweet pussy.

“Jesus,” I muttered, electric shocks pulsing through every tendon as her muscles clamped around the thick invasion. She was so tight, so wet that the feeling of being inside of her took my breath away.

“You’re amazing.”

“I’m not finished with you yet.” I pumped several times, coating my cock with her juices, keeping my firm hold on her leg. The second I pulled out, slipping the tip against her dark hole, her entire body tensed. “Every inch of you belongs to me.” As I pushed my cockhead further inside, a twisted thought bore into the back of my mind.

She had her very own monster.

I closed my eyes, driving the entire length deep into the softness of her muscles, invigorated by her slight cries. She writhed in my hold, pushing up from the counter, her breathless whispers in Italian driving my hunger to a frenzied point.

I’d waited so long for a single taste of her. I’d yearned to see the deep amethyst of her eyes boring into mine when I’d claimed her the first time. Instead, I’d fucked her in the shadows. No longer. Whether she understood it now or not, she’d become mine.

I thrust into her long and hard, more brutal than I’d been before. Her skin shimmered, so beautiful that watching her had awakened the soulless man. I lost myself in her just as I’d done before, the sensations infused with rocket fuel. When I lowered my head, raking my teeth over the nape of her neck, she arched her back even more. I bit down, rewarded with the wondrous sound of her scattered moans.

And I kept fucking her, refusing to let go. She took every brutal thrust, her exaggerated moans matching the growls coming from deep within my chest.

Finally, the ache in my balls couldn’t hold back any longer. As I erupted, I hadn’t been prepared for the intensity of my ejaculation. I filled her with my seed, my thoughts drifting to her unusual request.


Yes. I would marry her.

For with every kingdom, a king must take a queen.



The city lights were mesmerizing, more so tonight than I’d noticed before. Sighing, I was surprised how comfortable I was being around Nicolo, more than I’d ever been with any man before. As I lifted my head from his lap, he continued to stroke my hair. I was stretched out on the couch on my stomach, the quiet savage sitting with his feet on the coffee table, a drink in his other hand.
