Page 50 of Cruelest Vow

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I moved closer, a warm glow catching my attention. Then I realized my bedroom window was just off to the right, the angle allowing me to catch a slight glimpse of the candle. I wasn’t certain how since I’d yet to replace the batteries. Should I be unnerved to know we were on the same floor?

What were the odds?

“What are you doing here?” His voice had a husky, almost accusatory vibe, dominating in every way. I shuddered to my core, afraid to look over my shoulder.

“Learning about you.”

“And what did you find?” He remained where he was, the dark vibe in his tone forcing goosebumps down my arms.

“Hopefully the truth.”

His deep chuckle resonated in the room, his scent pushing me into intoxication. I sensed him moving closer and sucked in my breath.

“Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to go through another person’s things?”

I shifted from foot to foot, my aching nipples scraping against his shirt. “Sometimes that’s the only way to learn the truth.”

“Sometimes you discover something you shouldn’t learn.”

“That makes it more exciting.”

When he wrapped his arm around my throat, the shiver tearing through me was laced with rapturous desire, another wave of excitement. He squeezed lightly, not enough to constrict my breathing but the act a reminder that he was in full control.

“You like playing with fire.”

“I do,” I breathed.

The low-slung sound coming from his throat vibrated all through me. I was breathless, the scent of his testosterone invigorating. “When bad girls misbehave, they deserve punishment. Don’t you agree?” Without waiting for my answer, he reached under the shirt, gripping one side of my buttocks, the wash of pain sending another display of shivers all through me.


He quickly cracked his hand against my bottom, the sound jarring. “Let’s try that again.”

I shifted my head over my shoulders, purposely dragging my tongue across my lips. When I didn’t answer right away, he smacked both sides, the sting entirely too delicious.

“Answer me!”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Now, you can have everything you want. You’re all mine,” he stated, the growl pushing past his lips predatory, determined never to allow anyone to come between us. He spun me around, driving me against the wall, both of us fumbling to free his cock. The piercing glare in his eyes, the way his powerful body loomed over mine was enthralling. I’d never had a man look at me in such a profound and animalistic way.

As I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, his entire body shook involuntarily. The man oozed danger, refusing to be apologetic about his brutal actions. He was a dangerous beast I should shove away, but the surge of excitement made me feel as if I was floating on air.

Nicolo wasn’t gentle. There was no pretense of romance. When he thrust the entire length of his cock inside, I raked my nails down his scarred back, pulling him as tightly against me as possible. It felt as if I was hanging on for dear life, but I knew the mysterious hunk would never let me go.

I wrapped my feet around his hips, fighting to breathe as I gripped his shoulder with one hand. He rolled onto the balls of his feet, plunging me against the wall with such fury I was sucked into a vacuum. With every savage drive, I sensed his demons fighting for control.

“Harder,” I whispered. “Fuck me harder.”

Nicolo slammed his hand against the wall several times and I could swear he’d put a dent in the wallboard. The brutal man was relentless, pushing us both into a relentless cataclysm.

Sweating and panting, I couldn’t seem to get enough of him or he of me. I wanted him to crawl inside my body and stay, fucking me as often and as long as he wanted. And still, it would never be enough. My body responded as it always did around him, the orgasm sweeping through every cell until I was tossing my head back and forth, whimpering even though I couldn’t hear a sound.

He filled me so completely that my lungs screamed as they struggled for air. I continued to cling to him, squeezing my knees against his sides, no longer able to focus.

As he finally started to shake, I pressed my face against his neck, drinking in his musky scent. As he erupted deep inside, a strange thought slipped into my brain.

Had he been watching me, a predator lying in wait?
